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Jungkook got a text as he was still sulking he looked at the text as it was from yugyeom answering his messages as he had calmed down after awhile

Kook ❤️🤞
Sorry yugyeom I was busy..

Yugyeom 😐
It's fine I wanted to ask you if you wanna hang out this time? If you're not too busy, that is

Kook ❤️🤞
Sure I guess.. I've been meaning to get out of my apartment for a little bit..

Yugyeom 😐
Cool I'll go pick you up at eight? How does that sound?

Kook ❤️🤞
Gives me enough time to get ready see you soon

The younger went upstairs to get ready as he sees his phone ring seeing it was jimin answering it

" Hey jimin hyung "

" Hey kook! You wanna head to go shopping with me? "

" Oh sorry jimin hyung I have plans already "

" Plans with someone else?! How dare you! Just kidding! with who? "

" Remember who I was supposedly gonna be married to? "

" Yug something? "

" Yugyeom yes and he asked if I wanted to hang out, I needed to get my mind off you know who.. "

" Who? Ta- "

" Don't! Say his name.. Anyway.. We're just gonna hang out plus he's not my type "

" Okay then what is your type? Hm? "

" Kind, honest, trustworthy, handsome, muscly, and loyalty.. "

" You just described your ex.. "

" No.. He was lacking two of those things.. Trustworthy and Loyalty.. "

" Hmm I guess so? Alright text me later and tell me how it went "

" Okie! Bye jimin hyung "

Once they hang up, jimin calls taehyung as he was cuddling on yoongi's lap he was in the middle of a workout at home he grabs his phone answering

" Hello? "

" Good you answered so listen, jungkook is going out somewhere with the guy he was so supposedly gonna get married to he wouldn't tell me where but I suggest to follow them "

" I've actually been thinking.. Jungkook wants nothing to do with me anymore.. He's clearly done with me.. Maybe it's time for me to move on.. "

" Taehyung, he can't get over you.. He still loves you.. I know damn well you don't deserve him.. But if you do plan on moving on.. Don't do it in front of him.. It'll kill him seeing you with someone else.. "

" I want him back jimin.. But what can I do..? "

" Prove it to him "

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