♚ 14 ♚

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Taehyung was in the building wanting to know who exposed those photos he goes to his manager pulling him aside

" Manager, who exposed those photos?! " Taehyung says

" We aren't sure yet! We tried finding fingerprints but nothing! They're obviously edited so fans won't believe it "

" Manager, they aren't edited.. "

" Those pictures are real? "

" I have been in a relationship with him.. "

" Taehyung! This is why I told you to date tzuyu! That way nobody would come to threaten you! "

" I know that but it's hard when you're in love with someone! "

" Listen taehyung, for the sake of your career you need to break up with him "

" I can't do that.. I'm not strong enough to handle that.. "

" Taehyung, think of how many fans you have.. Don't you think they'd hate him now knowing he's your boyfriend? "

" I love him.. "

" If you really love him, let him go.. "

Taehyung sighs moving his hair back leaving as he goes home opening the door going inside sitting on the couch stressed out looking down

" I can't break up with him.. "

He hears the door open and close seeing jungkook then the younger knew what this meant he tried his hardest not to cry sitting across from him

" Jungkook.. I'm sorry I texted you on such short notice.. "

" It's fine.. I know what it means anyway.. "

" Babe.. I want to be with you.. "

" We can't tae.. I can't be with you..! If you weren't an idol, this would've been much easier! "

" Don't you think I know that?! "

Jungkook tries to hold in tears but let some slip out crying then taehyung looks down as they both say it at the same time the same thing

" Let's break up.. " They both say

They both look at each other not saying anything after that as jungkook takes off the necklace putting it down on the table and his spare key leaving crying

The next day, taehyung had no energy for anything he woke up the sound of his ringtone answering it

" Hello? "

" Taehyung? So what happened..? "

" We broke up hoseok okay..? "

" Y'all broke up..? "

" Yeah.. "

" Taehyung.. I thought you loved him.. "

" I do love him.. I love him so much.. "

" How about we go out for some food! That'll cheer you up! "

" Yeah okay.. "

Once taehyung ate breakfast, changing into some clothes looking down then sees the spare key for jungkook's apartment gripping onto it

" Baby.. "

Taehyung heard the door open and close seeing hoseok as he puts the key away grabbing his phone going out feeling the nice breeze the wind blew through his hair feeling it smiling softly

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