♚ 21 ♚

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The next few weeks, jungkook tried concentrating on his work he had to get a new phone due to him losing his old one he looked down at his phone having his head down

" What did I even do..? Oh well.. "

Jungkook finishes his college assignments then goes to his bookshelf grabbing a book to read he opens the cover seeing the older's signature and number

" Thinking about it isn't helping at all!! " Jungkook says throwing the book thinking " Maybe I should go shopping.. "

Jungkook got dressed heading out getting groceries then to a small bookstore nearby where he lived he looked through bookshelves grabbing a few smiling

Meanwhile with taehyung, he was in his huge apartment he decided to be with tzuyu to get his mind off his ex

" Babe~ " Tzuyu says going to his studio smiling

" Yeah? " Taehyung replies looking at her

" I'm so glad we're together now "

Taehyung laid back in his chair looking down at his keyboard she goes to him massaging his shoulders

" Aww baby you're so tense "

" Just stress "

Taehyung closed his eyes for a minute seeing a image of how he remembers jungkook in tears

Taehyung got startled breathing heavily opening his eyes back up the older clears his throat fixing himself as tzuyu kissed his cheek going downstairs

Once jungkook got home, he sees hoseok waiting on him the younger parks his car confused going to him

" Why are you here? "

" I heard you and taehyung broke up for good "

" yeah so? "

" So I thought let's go on a date "

" No way in hell "

" Come on jungkook I'm different now just one little date "

" If I say yes, will you go away? "

" For now "

" Fine.. Just because I don't feel like cooking "

" Perfect! See you at 7! "

He leaves as jungkook finishes everything getting dressed he fixes his hair making it look silky he looked around putting on a Rolex then sits on the couch waiting for him

Hoseok was ready driving over to his house with a bouquet of roses he was outside he honks knowing he was outside jungkook grabs his keys and phone heading out going inside his car sitting down

Hoseok was ready driving over to his house with a bouquet of roses he was outside he honks knowing he was outside jungkook grabs his keys and phone heading out going inside his car sitting down

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[COMPLETED] My Idolized Boyfriend || Taekook Where stories live. Discover now