♚ 20 ♚

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After a few weeks, they went back separately jungkook was back in his huge apartment smiling happy to see his parents before he left he decided to go shopping as he did

Meanwhile with taehyung, the manager got angry about him as the older laid back listening to him rant annoyed

" Are you even listening taehyung? " His manager asks

" Yeah.. Kind of.. "

" Good so tomorrow you have a concert then an interview everyone will now know you as tzuyu's husband and consider you two as married "

" How about I consider a divorce? And get her out of my fucking life "

" What's your problem taehyung? "

" My problem is the fact that you still don't get the memo, she exposed the pictures and she exposed my relationship and made jungkook leave! "

" You have to understand- "

" No! I won't understand! Being a relationship hurts my fans so I rather not be in a relationship plus he doesn't bother me like she does! "

" Alright taehyung.. You'll be single but keep it that way for your media "

" Thanks.. "

Taehyung got ready for his concert he sighs texting jungkook while the hairstylist and make up stylist fix him as the younger looked at his phone smiling

Tae 🐯❤️
Baby, what are you doing?

Baby 🐰❤️
Nothing relaxing I guess

Tae 🐯❤️
I don't like being away from you.. Come my concert..

Baby 🐰❤️
Tae.. You know I can't I don't have tickets

Tae 🐯❤️
Come backstage and just watch me from there

Baby 🐰❤️
Yeah I'm not doing that just have fun at your concert

Tae 🐯❤️
Baby.. Please..

Baby 🐰❤️
Tae.. I have assignments to do..

Tae 🐯❤️
Alright fine.. I know how important school is for you..

Baby 🐰❤️
Stop making me feel guilty!

Tae 🐯❤️
I love you babe

Baby 🐰❤️
Fine I'll go! Jeez! I love you too..

Jungkook ends up going getting dressed seeing it was crowded he was allowed backstage because of knowing who he was he didn't see taehyung anywhere confused he then hears music starting

He goes and sees he was already starting to perform he smiles watching him as tzuyu was behind him startling him when she talked looking at her

" You ruin everything, you know that right? " Tzuyu says

" I haven't ruined anything "

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