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Taehyung managed to follow him and before he closed the door he goes inside closing it himself pulling him in holding him tightly breathing heavily as the younger tried pushing him off

" Fuck.. I was so worried about you.. "

" Worried about me..? When your girlfriend is waiting for you back there.. "

" She's not my girlfriend.. No she'll never compare to you.. Jungkook.. I'm sorry.. "

" No! Don't give me that usual 'I'm sorry' bullshit! You hurt me too many times!! "

" I know baby! I was gonna make it up to you yesterday but you left with hoseok! I want to make you happy.. "

" You wanna make me happy now.. When I was so sad seeing you act childish with her.. "

" Please.. I'll change.. I'll do anything for you.. "

Jungkook starts crying as taehyung gets on his knees begging for him hugging his waist burying his face starting to cry as well

" Don't leave me.. Please don't leave me.. Please.. "

" Tae.. Stop.. "

" Please jungkook.. I love you.. "

" Would you really change for me..? "

" I'd do anything for you.. Just please baby.. "

" Tae.. "

" I'm begging you baby.. Don't go.. You're the only person in my life that completes me.. Please.. "

Jungkook didn't know what to do he loves him but on the other hand can he really trust him after everything he's been through but he realizes tae was the only for him as well but he wanted to make sure

" Can you pinky promise me something? "

" What? "

" Never talk that way to Irene again.. Don't ever be alone in a room with her.. And please don't hurt me again.. "

" I can promise that.. Just please stay by my side.. "

They make a pinky promise as taehyung gets up pulling him in kissing him deeply as jungkook kissed back wrapping his arms around your neck smiling the older manages to put the necklace back on him

" you know baby? We are in a hotel room.. "

" Mhm.. "

" Actually let's go home "

" Okay.. "

Taehyung carries the younger over his shoulder as he giggles holding onto him they walked passed Irene as she was confused

" Oh my god tae put me down..! "

" Never just so you know when we're married, I'm gonna carry you like this instead of bridal style "

" Ah!! no!!

The next day, jungkook watches him rehearsing as Irene came over giving him his water bottle the younger sighs

" Taehyung! Let me squish your cheeks! "

Before Irene touches him, taehyung slaps her hand as she was confused

" Taehyung? "

" Sorry I don't want you touching me anymore and please don't record me either "

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