New Kid

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I tugged at the end of black crop top that exposed my belly-button.

God, I hated these clothes.

This wasn't me.

I passed a window in my schools hallway and saw my reflection.

My long perfectly blended brown/reddish hair was down and curled. I was wearing a long sleeved black crop top, and a high waisted floral skirt.

I was wearing minimal make-up, which I wished I wasn't, eyeliner lined my bright cornflower blue eyes with mascara, and I wore a fun necklace.

The only thing I really liked of my outfit was my studded combat boots.

I sighed as my reflection disappeared with the window.

I was walking down the hall with my group of "friends."

Yes, I put quotes around 'friends.'

I don't consider them friends.

I started coming to Roseville High three years ago for freshman year.

At the beginning of sophomore year, Stacy, the schools popular, "took me in," as she would put it.

Being the school popular wasn't all she was. She was also one of the number one bully.

Before me, she already had three other friends: Penelope, Regina, and Piper.

I hated all of them.

They were such mean people.

How did I get myself here? I asked myself grudgingly.

My left arm was bumped against, forcing me to stumble back a couple steps from not paying attention.

"S-s-sorry," I hear a male voice stutter.

I looked up to see a really cute guy about my age with dirty golden curls and beautiful hazel eyes hidden behind black rimmed glasses.

I felt my eyes light up at the sight of his black T-shirt covered with the batman logo.

I didn't recognize him; he must be new.

I opened my mouth to tell him that its ok, but Stacy interrupted me.

"Watch where your going, Four Eyes," She snapped.

His eyes widened in surprise.

"Come on, Addison," Stacy said grabbing my upper arm and pulling me away.

I glanced over my shoulder to see him watching us with a confused and sad look.

I gave him an apologetic smile.

"What a loser," Stacy said with a sour look on her overly make-up caked face.

Her deep brown eyes looked way too big when they were caked with eyeliner and mascara, her light olive skin tone looked darker with all her bronzer.

The other three didn't look any better wearing just as much make-up.

I ignored her comment while the other three scoffed in agreement.

"Why do losers and nerds have to be cute?" Penelope whined.

Penelope had bleach blonde hair and light hazel eyes.

"He was not cute," Regina said sharply.

Regina has black hair and green eyes.

"He was decent," Piper kind of agreed with Penelope.

Piper has light brown hair with light blue eyes.

I just stayed quiet.

"See you in English," Stacy said to me as we past my first period art class.

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