Chapter 5: Repunzels pan

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"Well how was I supposed to know!?" Someone yelled.

My head pounded from the sound.

"What should I have done!? Put her on the street?"

"No! You could've informed me you idiot! And don't you have university and classes to attend to?"

"But mom you hit loly on her head! With a pan mom with a pan!"

"Well how am I supposed to know she looks like a guy!"

"Just let it go mom, I'll take her to the hospital," Oliver said.

"Right, you do that," she mumbled.

Does she care at all?

Am I not her daughter?

I groaned in pain and annoyance and the yelling stopped.

"Loly can you hear me?"

I groaned.

"I'll take you to the hospital, don't do dumb shit like this again," Oliver angrily commanded.

"Shut the-" I mumbled.

"No cursing," Oliver said.

He carried me and walked me down the stairs, I would know because with each step I would bounce in his arms.

He put me somewhere soft and said, "I'm taking you to the hospital, alright? We'll be there in no time."

I groaned in response.


"It's nothing serious, her CT scan shows no damage to her brain but there is a slight accumulation of fluid on this region, but it's nothing to worry about. Can I ask how did this happen? I'm sure she didn't fall on the ground."

"Yeah um it's a weird story but my mom thought she's someone else and hit her with a pan."

"Does this happen often?"

"No! It was an accident, she was wearing a wig and my mom thought she's an intruder."

"Alright, she might complain about headaches for a while, but if the pain were to increase, please do check it out."

"When will she be discharged?"

"For now let her IV finish, she might be unconscious for a while and we'll check on her every few hours or if any of the machines tell us that there is a problem. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask."


I flutter my eyes open and slowly raise my arm to hold my head.

I groaned in pain.

"Loly! You're awake!"

"Why are you screaming?" I groaned.

"Oh sorry!" He whispered, "are you better?"

"My head hurts" I groaned.

"Wait here I'll call the doctor or the nurse or-"

"Shh," I hushed him and closed my eyes.


"- and she should be ready for discharge."

Undercover Sister: All Boys College EditionWhere stories live. Discover now