CH. 7

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"I realize that we don't get to talk much at work

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"I realize that we don't get to talk much at work." I decide to make conversation with Waylon as I start nibbling on the beef hotdog drenched in honey mustard. "I mean, I know you're a great photographer and have a good eye for all kinds of arts, but that's pretty much it."

"I'm really not that hard to read." Waylon confess. "You met my brother, besides him the only family I have is my mother. I'm biracial, my father is black and my mom's white. I was born and raised here."

"How did you get into photography?" I ask and he lets out a small chuckle before replying.

"Actually I got into it because of my father. He died in the army when I was young so I don't remember much about him. All I have is pictures so I kind of wanted to start taking my own photos to capture as many moments as I can." His tone was nonchalant like it was nothing but it had a lot of meaning to me. "I purchased my first camera when I was fourteen from my own savings and I've been snapping pictures since. I'm kind of obsessed with it."

"I'm sorry for your lost." I emphasized before speaking again but he just waves me off. "My mother pasted away when I was in high school."

"Well I'm sorry for your lost. At least I was too young to remember it happening, you probably created so many memories with her by then."

"Thank you and yes, I did. I love my mother, I carry her everywhere I go." I tell him as I think about her myself. I had years of crying out for her, now all I could do is look up to her. I didn't want this conversation to be about death though. We had about fifteen minutes before the sun was going to set, we didn't have much time to talk. I wanted to pique his mind a bit more though, he was the only one of my peers who didn't offer that on their own.

"How old are you?" I change the subject as he adjust himself in his seat.

"I'm twenty seven, I'll be twenty eight in a few months. What about you?"

"I just turned twenty six in May." I answer then take a huge bite out of my food. I felt the mustard on my lip and instantly dabbed it with a paper towel. "When's your birthday? And what are we doing for it?"

I loved a good party. I felt most like myself around intoxicated people while I'm the most intoxicated amongst us. I was slowly becoming more amped up about Lee's birthday party the more I thought about the task I'd have her do to save me some energy and time. I never had an office party, but I assumed they did things like that here. If I needed to start planning a birthday party then I liked to know ahead of time.

"September nineteenth." Waylon says and I nodded my head of approval. He was a Virgo, and I'm a Taurus, so we were both Earth signs.

"Noted." I smile at him and he returns it. Waylon looked nice in his bright orange hoodie, he looked mysterious but playful and his vibe right now definitely matched it. I don't know if he was actually into me but I knew he thought I was attractive. I haven't slept with someone in almost two months, and maybe it was for the better, but I was so horny. I didn't know a lot of single men in Cali yet. Actually, I didn't even know if Waylon was single or if even if I should ask him. I didn't want him to think I was coming on to him, but my vagina couldn't stop reminding me of my need for relations.

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