CH. 20

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With both Ginger and Waylon not showing up to work today, I was left trying to pick of the pieces of getting the art column ready for publication. It's been a while since I had to deal with unfinished projects but I kind of understood what both of them were going through. I mostly felt bad for Lana though, she couldn't get a break from the bad publicity. Waylon had a lot of things to sort out and I was doing my best to give them both some time to recollect but I don't know how much longer I could. I knew nothing about art really and it seemed as though this piece about food being art was Waylon's idea from what I'm hearing from Franklin and Queen. Jeff had a bunch of pictures of different dishes but no one was sure about what to write about the collection of photos.

I started to call Lana but if she wasn't answering Ginger's calls then I doubt she'd answer mine. I decide to give Waylon a call but it rang up until I was forced to leave a voicemail. As Franklin and Queen brainstorm on what to say about the pictures Jeff was currently printing from his camera, Lee walked in with coffee, mail, and a confused look on her face. She goes into Lana's office and free her hands by placing everything on her desk then walks back out and claps for everyone's attention.

"Where's Lana?" She asked and everyone side eye her.

"Have you not been on social media lately?" Franklin ask rhetorically but Lee shakes her head no.

"Tatiana had a miscarriage and now everyone is going in on Lana." Queen fills her in and Lee's mood instantly changed. She looks at me for more information but all I could do was shrug my shoulders.

I honestly didn't know what was going on with Lana right now, but I hoped she was okay. When Ginger and I dropped Jules back off at her home last night, she didn't let him in. Ginger tried to use her own key to let him but Lana had put the chain lock on the door. Now Jules was staying with us and helping himself to my closet. I never seen Lana so defeated. She was usually very positive and the whole point of her moving here was so that she could enjoy being surrounded by the people who loved her and these past few days have been anything but that. People she didn't even know hated her and all because of stories that just weren't true.

A part of me was kind of blaming myself too. I should have just let Waylon tell her the truth about how he felt but instead I only made things worse. I'm not sure what he was going through right now but I also felt for him. I could only imagine the restraints he was feeling, having to deal with an ex who wouldn't leave while also trying to pursue a woman who wouldn't make things easy for him. It made me thank God for my wife. Lee walks right out of the office and everyone goes right back to doing what they were doing before. As I eavesdrop on them trying to come to an agreement, I came to a conclusion of my own.

"Everyone can take the day off." I declare and they look at me confused. "I just don't see this getting properly completed without Lana or Waylon."

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