"Oh my babies! How I've missed you!" I say while turning to look at them while they glare at the Mikaelsons.
"How about you all head to your rooms you must be so tired after your mission!" I say to them with a smile hoping they'll go.
But of course they are my children. "We're good, who are theses people, mom?" Emery says while looking at me.
I smile and already know that my stubborn children won't leave till they know who they are.
See the twins know who their father is, I never kept it a secret from them and I never wanted to tell them anything bad about him but of course he is the notorious hybrid with an endless amount of enemies. So they heard and read about him on their own growing up and found out what he did to me and of course, being the protective and loving kids they are, hated him for it. They never really asked about him once they got older which worried me, I didn't want them to hate him but it isn't up to me.
"More kids? Well how busy have you been Kenna?" Kol says while smiling at Klaus' face that looks like he's going to blow.
"Ok, everybody this is Emery, and Jace the twins and Alec, kids these are the Mikaelsons they are here to enroll a new student." I say to them and wait for the twins to blow.
Surprisingly they stay where they are, they looked a little shocked but right away fix themselves and go right back to their cold glares to the family.
"So wait you had two pairs of twins? Are these biologically yours? I'm so confused!" Rebekah says.
"Yes she had two twins and we are biologically hers, Alec is our brother he was adopted but will always be a part of this family." Jace says with a hard look.
"Who's their father?" Klaus speaks for the first time since the beginning of the tour, I don't look at him and just look at Ric who just gives me a small smile and grabs my hand as comfort.
The twins right away glare at him and Emery starts "Funny you should ask" I abruptly stop her "ok why don't you kids come give me a hug, I haven't gotten my hug" I say.
They look to me and smile before coming to give me a hug and Alaric as well.
"Why don't we introduce ourselves?" Elijah says.
"Oh we know who you are, Elijah the noble one, Rebekah the one that loves too much, Kol the best friend and psycho and Niklaus the notorious psycho murdering hybrid." Jace says.
"Jace!" I say while giving him a pleading look.
"Well yes, I suppose, we also have our older sister Freya, Kols wife Davina, our niece Hope and Hayley." Elijah adds.
"Hmm I though she'd be prettier." Emery whispers to her brothers who snicker. The Mikaelsons look confused and Hayley hurt.
"Excuse me?" She asks.
"I'm sorry, but when someone cheats it shouldn't be with a downgrade. Actually I take it back, I'm not sorry." Emery says to Hayley who looks shocked at what she said while Jace and Alec laugh at her comment.
"Em!!" I yell at her.
"Well it's true." She says while I give her a final warning look, we hear Kol belt out laughing and I glare at him.
"Sorry, that was just so good!" He says while still laughing and Davina hitting him trying to get him to stop.
I clear my throat and see that Klaus is looking at Jace and Emery with confused eyes and standing up, everyone notices that he stands and just stares.
"How old are they?" He asks.
"We're 17, if you must know you creep." Emery says while I just sit defeated knowing that I won't be able to control them.
"That would mean, wow seems like you didn't waste anytime after I had to leave." He says.
I felt my entire body just freeze with anger and I knew I was about to blow.
My teeth clenched as I spoke "kids, cover your ears. You, Niklaus don't get to judge me! You did the one thing I thought you would never do, you broke me and our promise! You chose to do what you did and you chose to leave!! So you don't get to say anything to me about my life because you made that decision, not me!!" I tell him.
The family is shocked by my outburst, Kol looks like he wants to hug me while Elijah and Rebekah look sorry and sad for me and Klaus looks like he's in pain.
I also see Alec and Jace try to cover Emery's ears but she's fighting them off to hear.
Alaric slowly comes to me and grabs me and looks to Jace who comes to grab me and take me out of the room.
They know I might break and that I wouldn't want the Mikaelsons to see it.
I turn back before exiting. "I'm sorry to the rest of you who had to hear that, Alaric will look over the paperwork and officially enroll you, Hope." I say then quickly walk away with my kids and let Alaric handle the rest.
The kids and I walk into my room and I just sit on the bed while Alec and Jace get me something to drink and Emery sits next to me hugging me.
"I'm sorry you have to see him again, mom" she whispers.
"It's ok, I'm okay I just lost it for a minute." I say.
"Your allowed to lose it sometimes mom, you don't always have to be strong all the time, you taught us that." Emery says as the boys bring me a glass of water.
"Thank you, what would I do without you guys, my beautiful babies." I say bringing all three of them into a hug.
"Do you think he's going to find out? That the twins are his?" Alec asks a little worried knowing the twins don't particularly like him.
The twins look at me Jace already pissed that Klaus is even here and Emery looking at me worried. "I don't know, maybe we'll get lucky and he won't be around too much, only Hope will be around and the students don't know who your father is, so I think we'll be fine." I answer back reassuring.
"As long as none of us have to see his face again, or that whores, especially you mom" Jace says.
"Jace, please I don't want you to carry around all this hatred for them."
"Mom, you mean everything to us along with our siblings and dad, we will always protect you ok?" Jace says not wanting to think of Klaus and what he did to his mother.
"Thank you, Baby" I say not wanting to push him.

Try to Remember
FanfictionPrologue The notorious Klaus Mikaelson is known for being a merciless and psychotic killer. But many don't know that he once found love with a woman named Kenna Forbes, the sister of Caroline, but broke her heart when he cheated on her with Hayley...