Chapter Forty

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Kenna's POV

The Salvatore School

After the hectic and dramatic weekend that we had a normal person would think that it could have caused some turmoil but with my family it just brings us closer. Ric and I always wanted our family to be close and be able to talk to each other about things that are bothering us and thats exactly what the kids do.

They come to us with their problems and we try our best to help them and give them advice to help. One thing we didn't see coming was the excessive drama that the Mikaelson family brought but our family came out of it stronger and bigger, welcoming in some old and new friends.

The kids are doing good as well, Jace and Emery were disappointed in Klaus that he didn't stand up for them even with him saying that he wanted to be a part of their lives. The rest of the kids were trying to support their siblings as best they could.

"Hey mom, earth to mommy." I snap out of my thoughts to see Lizzie standing in front of my desk.

"Sorry, what can I help you with, sweetie?" I ask sitting up to give her my attention.

"Well I know you and dad probably already know about the party that's happening tonight I was just going to ask you if you could please give us an extra hour before breaking it up." Lizzie smiles at me trying to give me her best pout.

"I'll think it about it." I say.

"Please! It's Hope's first party and we just want to make sure she gets the full experience." Lizzie smiles.

"Thats sweet of you guys, how about an extra 30 minutes." I say negotiating.

"45 and I'll do the dishes tonight."

"We both know you'll make Alec or Josie do them." I smirk.

"Fine, 40 and we'll go without a fight." She says smiling.

"Deal, I would have done 45 for the clean dishes but that offer sounds better." I say giggling as she groans.

"Now off to class!" I say as she sends me a smile walking towards the door that opens up to reveal Ric coming in.

"Hi daddy, bye daddy." she says giving him a quick kiss on the cheek as he smiles.

"Make good choices!" He yells after her before closing the office doors as I laugh.

Lizzie's POV

"Hey guys, guess who convinced mom to give us an extra 40 minutes for the party tonight?"I say going over to the table that everyone was sitting at.

"Seriously? How did you do that?" MG asks smiling at me.

"I told her we would go without a fight or complaint if she gave us extra time, I wanted Hope to enjoy her first party." I say smiling at her. She's honestly really nice which confuses me seeing to who her mom is. At first I didn't want to welcome her, I didn't want her to steal my older brother and sister but then I saw how lonely she really was especially in her family. She didn't have the opportunity to grow up with others like her or around her age to talk to. Accepting her wasn't as hard as I imagined and I hate to admit that I actually like having her around.

"Thanks Lizzie, that means a lot." She smiles giving me a hug that I surprisingly don't push her away

"Aww look at you two getting along." Alec says making Lizzie roll her eyes chuckling.

"Shut up, Alec. Now girls were meeting in mine and Jo's room to pick out what were going to wear at 7, got it." I say already thinking about what I should wear.

"Sounds good, but this time Em please don't wear heels." Josie says looking to Emery. My sister and I were both blessed with our fashion sense meaning we love to shine at these parties, Emery with her amazing shoe collection loves to wear her heels even when going out to the woods.

"I can wear heels all I want and last times accident was not my fault!" Emery says as the group chuckles and Hope looks confused.

"What happened last time?" She asks.

"I may have accidentally stepped on someone with my heel but it wasn't my fault, who gets wasted off two drinks and passes out, talk about a lightweight." Emery explains as we chuckle remembering that night.

"The drinks are heavily spiked, so be careful what you drink they add a lot for everyone to be able to feel something." Josie says looking over to Hope.

"Got it, careful with the drinks, don't smoke anything the witches give and careful where I step." Hope try's to summarize as we chuckle.

"Don't worry, we'll be there with you." Landon smiles at her as she blushes. Aw thats cute they like each other! New Mission: Get Hope together with the gremlin.

Later that night

"Josie, I have to look amazing! What do you think about this skirt?" I ask her holding up my new leather skirt I had to beg dad to let me get.

"Super cute!" She smiles as someone knocks on the door. It has to be Hope, Emery would have just walked in announcing her presence.

"Come on in Hope." I say knowing she could hear through the door.

"How did you know it was me." She asks walking in.

"Em would have just walked in and Penelope never knocks she just appears, it's weird." I say as she chuckles walking over to sit on the bed.

"I'm here sisters! Your night just got better." Emery says storming in with of course heels in her hand.

"Oh and I brought Penelope, who I had to drag here practically." She says pushing Penelope inside the room.

"Baby come here let me do your hair!" Josie says to Penelope pulling her towards her side.

"Hey Hope did you bring some options?" Emery asks laying down behind Hope on my bed.

"I just thought I'd wear this." She smiles.

"It's okay, but we can make you look so much cuter, especially cause Landon's going to be there!" I say smirking over to her as she blushes.

"Is it that obvious that I like him?"

"Not to him, but we girls can tell from a mile away, now let's get you ready." I say bringing her to my closet to choose an outfit.

"How did you get your parents to let you come to the party?" Emery asks from her spot on the bed.

"I sorta didn't tell them, I told them I was going over to yours and I was going to be home late since we were watching a movie." She says as I smile at her deviousness.

"I love the sneakiness!" I say as she chuckles.

Once we've all gotten ready with Emery and I helping Hope with a new outfit and doing her makeup and Penelope complaining that we were taking too long. We're finally all ready and dressed.

"Thanks guys, I seriously can't wait." Hope smiles.

"Come on." Josie smiles taking hers and Penelope's arm and rushing out of the room.

"You ready, Lizzie bear." Emery asks slipping on her heels.

"Yeah, are you okay? You don't seem that excited." I say as she sighs.

"No I'm okay just jumpy today for some reason. I just feel off today."

"Don't worry, let's just have fun tonight and tomorrow we'll relax with our monthly full moon sleepover." I say as she smiles and nods. 

"Thanks Lizzie." I smile bringing her into a hug before we walk out following the others to the party.

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