Chapter Fifty

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Same day as last chapter (At Dinner)

"So what brought on this miracle of you lot joining us?" Kol asks as the Mikalesons smile to him.

"I wanted to come help with the party planning and everyone wanted to tag along." Rebekah explained.

"Try not to make a scene, brother, I quite enjoy the children's cooking and would like to actually finish a dinner." Kol says as the table laughs and Klaus glares at him.

"Wait, you guys made this?" Keelin asks surprised as the teens nod with a proud smile or smirk if you count Jace.

"Even Hope?" Marcel asks shocked as Hope gasps and glares a little.

"I'll have you know that I'm not terrible in the kitchen." Hope says as the table laughs.

"Sorry, its just, well, we never really see you cooking so, its just surprising." Marcel explains chuckling as Hope nods agreeing.

"The guys like to make their parents dinner once a week and I'm here so often that I just kinda got used to helping out, Emerys teaching me a bunch of recipes." Hope says as the family nods with smiles.

"Yeah, she needs a lot of practice though." Lizzie says teasing her while chuckling along with the teens.

"You can be a bitch, you know that?" Rebekah asks as the Mikaelsons tense not knowing how she was going to react.

"Yeah, it runs in my family, I learned from the best big sister who learned, well from my mom and aunt." Lizzie chuckles as the family exhales relaxing to the cut tension.

"Lizzie and I have decided to embrace our inner bitch, we don't apoligize anymore." Emery says as Lizzie nods next to her. Alaric looks to the two with a shocked face thinking about what he could have done differently while Kenna chuckles and has a proud smile on her face.

"Girls...." Ric starts as the two turn to him with innocent smiles.

"Yes, daddy?" They both say together as he groans and slams his head on the table with the table laughing as Kenna rubs his back comfortingly.

"That was creepy, I get why you don't like when Em and I do it." Jace says towards Alec who nods aggressively.

"Don't listen to your father girls, embrace the inner bitch. I did and your aunt Caroline, look at us now." Kenna says as the table chuckles and Kol nods.

"Your mother here is a real force to be reckoned with, a fighter, a maniac, as you very well know. It's why we are so close." Kol says as the kids smile at their uncle always loving the old stories he tells them. Once the conversation slows a bit with the group enjoying their meals Rebekah smiles watching the large group and seeing that there was no tension. Not even from Klaus who was having a nice conversation with Hope and not glaring at the couple at the end of the table talking to their little brother.

"So, Hope, I have some good news! I found you the perfect dress today while shopping!" Rebekah smiles excitedly as Lizzie looks up with a face of horror thinking of her itineraries.

"Oh, that sounds great, Aunt Bekah. I guess we can skip that on the list." Hope says quietly looking towards Lizzie who nods slowly. Alec grabs her hand on the table from next to her to keep her grounded as she smiles.

"Yeah, thats great, we can sleep in a little and get our nails done tomorrow then, now that we have time." She says as Hope lets go of the breath she was holding along with Emery who chuckles a little.

"What time are you girls going? We'd love to come along, wouldn't we Freya? Keelin?" Rebekah smiles as they nod politely.

"I have a list of what were doing and when, I'll give you guys a copy after dinner, just ignore the dress shopping time now." Lizzie says with a tight smile as Alec squeezes her hand for support.

"Thank you, Lizzie." Freya smiles at her as she nods.

"Well, we might as well get used to each other being around since Hope is practically always here." Emery says as the group chuckles.

"I'm not always here," Hope starts, "Aunt Davina and Uncle Kol are always here, they practically live here, I just visit a lot." She says as the family chuckles and the Mikaelsons agree nodding along.

"You two are never home." Elijah says looking over to the couple.

"Yeah, I guess we just fell into a routine." Kol says with a small smile at Kenna.

"Do you two have a room here or something?" Klaus asks confused.

"Sorta, we actually have a house being built not too far from here, a few minutes walk, but were staying here till it's complete." Davina fills the Mikaelson's in as they look to the two with complete shock.

"So, you're moving out?" Rebekah asks as they look a little saddened by the news.

"Yeah, we moved out a while ago, we have most of our stuff here and we were discussing moving out anyway because when we adopt we wouldn't want to bother you guys, if the baby wakes up or stuff like that, you know?" Davina explains as the family nods understanding that the couple would need space once they start their family.

"We could help you two, if you were closer." Rebekah says not fully understanding.

"We aren't going to be that far, sister. Just a 20 minute drive or so from you lot and a few minutes walk from Kenna and Ric, besides you won't like being awakened by a baby's shrieks in the middle of the night." Kol says as Rebekah nods not wanting to argue.

"I swear, if you show up handing me your child the way you held out that doll telling me to "Make it stop" I'm going to pee myself from laughter." Ric says as Kol glares and smacks his head as Ric gives him the finger.

"Boys! Not in front of the children." Kenna says as the two look at her and chuckle.

"They do worse, darling, did I tell you about when I saw Lizzie here making Alec give her a piggyback ride to class. Or the time Emery made Jace and Alec carry her to class on their shoulders while Josie and Hope fanned her." Kol says as the table laughs and Kenna looks to her daughter.

"What?" She says looking to her daughter who laughed remembering that day.

"That was such a good day, they lost a bet and well in short had to do what I wanted for the rest of the day." Emery says as the family nod understanding.

"How about the time Jace and Alec literally fought each other over the last piece of pie in the kitchen, I had to replace all the glassware." Kenna puts into the stories as the two chuckle at the memory.

The Mikaelson's smile at the scene enjoying listening in to the stories and seeing the bright look in the eyes of the people they love.

Kol and Davina laughing along with a bright smile being a part of the family and the jokes, Hope smiling brightly laughing along with the teens as Klaus smiles seeing the bond happening between Hope and the twins. Rebekah smiles at her brother and how close he has become with both Kenna and Ric but saddened that she lost that connection and bond that she had with Kenna. But maybe there was hope, to build a new bond with Kenna and be able to be a part of the new life that she had built.

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