Mikaelson Home
3rd person"Hey sweetie, how was school?" Hayley asks her daughter who just got home.
"It was good, they all actually talked to me and let me sit with them at lunch, well actually Alec didn't really talk much and Jace just talked to me to correct me sort of, but that's progress!" Hope rants excited.
The whole family smiles at the youngest, happy to see her excited. "What do you mean he sort of corrected you?" Klaus asks, wanting to know about his other children.
"I had said that I was happy to meet other tribrids, like myself, but actually they aren't tribrids, so he corrected me." Hope explains.
"They aren't tribrids? What are they then?" Hayley asks confused.
"I don't know for sure, but they said they were four species I just didn't have time to ask which cause lunch was over." She says shocking the family.
"Four species?" Klaus says shocked but confused as well.
"That's extremely powerful, they must have had a lot of training to keep the different sides at bay with each other." Freya says fascinated as Davina nods wanting to know more.
"What other species could they be? As far as I remember, Kenna is just a vampire." Kol says.
Suddenly Davina remembers something. "Wait! When Freya and I first spoke to her she knew we were witches because she could feel our magic, she told us she was something... Damn I can't remember."
"Me neither, that completely slipped my mind." Freya says.
"Looks like we're going to have to go ask her." Rebekah says.
"Tomorrow, Hope needs to get some rest." Klaus says. The family nods agreeing and going back to what they were doing.
Salvatore School
Kenna's POVRic and I have just finished our work for today and are headed to Lizzie and Josies room to discuss their birthday.
"Oh well hello, my babies." I say as we open the door and see all of our kids in their room. They all smile at us and say hi.
"Looks like we weren't invited to the party, Bear." Ric says with a fake pout.
The kids laugh, "you guys will always be invited, well as long as you don't embarrass us." Lizzie says.
"We're your parents, it's our duty to embarrass you." Ric says.
"Speaking of embarrassing you guys, we wanted to talk to you girls about your birthday next week. Is there any last minute things we need to deal with." I ask.
"Nope, everything has been handled and it's perfect." Lizzie says smiling along with Josie.
"I hope so, it's all they've been taking about for like a month." Jace says as Lizzie throws her brush at him.
"Lizzie, no violence please." Ric says as she just shrugs with an innocent look on her face making us laugh.
"Is Auntie Care going to be here for our birthday?" Josie asks.
"Yes, she said she wouldn't miss it. Your Aunt Elena and Uncle Damon said they'd try to make it as well." I say as all the kids look excited, Damon has always been their favorite uncle.
"I can't wait! Even Aunt Bonnie said she would come back for it." Josie says excited. "Oh by the way, you guys, we kinda invited Hope."
I look at them a little shocked, but just nod at them. "That was nice of you girls."
"We didn't want to be mean to her because of her parents and she asked to sit with us at lunch, and she heard what we were saying so I invited her, turns out she's never been to a birthday party." Josie explains.
"Wow, that's a little sad." Ric says while I just nod agreeing. "I'm proud of you kids, for being the bigger person."
"Thanks parentals, and thank you guys for giving us the most normal childhood you could, I never knew it could mean so much." Emery says.
We spent some time with the kids talking and laughing before Ric and I headed out to our own room to get ready for bed and be able to relax.
(Authors Note: Hey everyone, sorry this chapters shorter than usual, it's just kinda a filler chapter, but I hope your enjoying the story!)

Try to Remember
FanfictionPrologue The notorious Klaus Mikaelson is known for being a merciless and psychotic killer. But many don't know that he once found love with a woman named Kenna Forbes, the sister of Caroline, but broke her heart when he cheated on her with Hayley...