Two days before the twins birthday
"Wake up! Auntie Care is coming today!" I wake to Lizzie and Josie jumping on us.
"Girls I love you two, but your really pushing it." I say as they just laugh at my crankiness.
"I felt that mom." I hear Emery say. I get my head out of the pillow and turn to see all 5 kids of our kids in our room. Jace, Emery and Alec look like they just rolled out of bed while Josie and Lizzie look like they've been up getting ready for a while.
"They got you too?" I ask my older kids.
"Yup." Jace says glaring at his younger sisters.
I hear Ric laugh next to me and turn to see him looking comfortable. I think that needs to change. I kick him off the bed as the kids laugh and I just giggle as he sits up and looks to me.
"Was that really necessary?" He says smiling at me.
"You looked to happy for the morning." I say as he rolls his eyes.
"Ok, love the flirting going on, but really you guys have to get up! Everyone is going to be here today, and we have a lot to prepare." Lizzie says getting her clipboard as I finally sit up in bed.
"First order, Jace and Alec you guys are going to go and make sure they are setting up for the party, things should be getting here around 12 and I don't want anything broken or dropped so you boys will be helping with that." Lizzie orders.
The boys just nod, I know they love their sisters and will do anything to help.
"Alright mom and dad, you two have to go to the house and make sure it's all nice and pretty for everyone to stay in while their in town, Aunt Care will be in my room, Aunt Elena and Uncle Damon will be in your room, Cousin Stefanie will be in Josie's and Aunt Bonnie will be in Emery's."
I give her a thumbs up and a smile hoping she won't make me actually comprehend what she's saying, knowing her she already printed out itineraries with what each of us need to do.
"Great and Emery and Josie you two will be in charge of getting the music playlist ready and Emery will drive me later to pick up everybody at the airport. Any questions."
"Yeah, when do we get to pee?" Jace says trying to poke at her.
Lizzie smirks at him and hands him a paper, "bathroom breaks are highlighted, try to stay on time." She says handing out the rest of the papers then grabbing Josie before heading out of the room.
"You know, she scares me sometimes." Ric says with the rest of us agreeing and laughing.
"Ughhh" I say laying back down not wanting to get up.
The arrival of the Gang
3rd PersonKenna, Alaric, Jace, Alec and Josie are waiting for Lizzie and Emery to arrive with the Gang outside of their home.
"They're three minutes late, Lizzie is probably pissed." Alec says as the family laughs knowing how she is.
They finally see the car drive up and they wait excited to finally see their extended family after so long. The first person to jump out of the car is of course Damon, "hello my beautiful nieces and nephews, please come give a hug to your favorite uncle."
The kids and parents laugh but they all rush over to hug him and Caroline, Bonnie, Elena and Stefanie. "It's great to see you guys, come in." Kenna says opening the door to the house with her arms around her baby sister.
"Omg, it's so cute, I love what you've done." Caroline says looking at the decorations.
"Well I'd love to take credit, but it was actually Lizzie that did most of the decorating." Kenna says as Lizzie smiles proudly.
"You helped mom." She says trying to make her feel better.
"Oh please all I did was nod and smile at everything, I had no idea what was going on." She says as everyone laughs.
"Still the same old Kenna." Bonnie says smiling at her.
"Ok, everyone listen up for your room, Caroline in Lizzies room, Bonnie in Emery's , Stefanie in Josie's and Elena and Damon in mine and Kenna's. Any questions please report to Lizzie who is in charge." Ric says reading his lines from his paper.
"Oh and no funny business in our bed please." He says to Damon.
"It's not like there hasn't been between you and Ken." Damon says as Ric clears his throat and shakes his head to tell Damon that there hasn't been.
"Never mind." Damon's says trying not to laugh.
"Anyway, you guys should rest up, tomorrow's a busy day." Kenna says rolling her eyes at Damon.
"Yeah why don't you girls go talk and I'll take our stuff to our room, why don't you show me to the room, buddy." Damon says grabbing his and Elenas stuff and shoving Ric up the stairs.
Ric's POV
"Please tell me you've asked her out at least." Damon says as we enter the room and he puts the luggage down.
"What are you talking about Damon, we're just friends."
"Really, friends that live together, share a bed, raise five kids together, and love each other?"
"If I ask her out, she'll say no."
"No she won't, if you haven't seen it yet, buddy let me tell you, that girl is in love with you."
"How do you know?"
"The way she looks at you, she laughs at your jokes, and she can't help but smile when she looks at you, trust me I know Kenna."
"I'm afraid, that she'll say no, or that she's not over Klaus."
"That cheating bastard is the last thing that should be on your mind."
"Well it can't be, he's here."
"WHAT? He's here!? In mystic falls?"
"Yeah he enrolled his daughter into the school and is living here with his whole family."
"That doesn't mean anything! She loves you meaning she's over him, so you better take your shot." Damon says to me as I just nod, I want to ask her to be mine, I love her.

Try to Remember
FanfictionPrologue The notorious Klaus Mikaelson is known for being a merciless and psychotic killer. But many don't know that he once found love with a woman named Kenna Forbes, the sister of Caroline, but broke her heart when he cheated on her with Hayley...