3rd POV
"Hey, witches! We're here, and your life is now better." Hope says coming into the living room where the family is sitting. They chuckle at Hope as Kol smiles seeing the change in his niece since becoming closer to Kenna and her family.
"Hey! Come on, we're just about to start studying." Josie smiles as Hope goes over to the coffee table and opens up her textbook. The coffee table in the middle of the living room being hidden by the textbooks the girls are using. Lizzie, Josie, Emery, Davina and now Hope all sitting around the table with Davina helping the girls.
"Jace, you should join us." Josie says as he chuckles and shakes his head.
"Nah, I think I studied enough and I'll just cheat off you guys if I need to." He says as both Ric and Kenna look up from their conversation with Kol to give Jace a look as he smiles.
"Jace, sweetie, stop cheating off your sisters and study!" Kenna says as Jace laughs and nods going to sit next to his twin on the floor.
"You know you're lucky you don't have this exam, Alec." Lizzie says sighing flipping a page in her book.
Alec chuckles putting away his phone he was just on and goes to sit next to Lizzie. "How about I help you guys study." He says as she smiles at him and nods.
"Alright you guys continue studying and we'll make dinner, then you guys can take a break, don't over do it." Kenna smiles at the teens as they nod and continue studying as Kol, Kenna and Ric go into the kitchen.
Kenna and Ric right away going into the routine of making diner together and Kol sits on the counter making conversation with the two and sighing heavily when Kenna makes him help cut vegetables or set the table.
"Make yourself useful, Kol, and pass me the carrots." Ric says as Kol glares at the carrots.
"Why do you insist on feeding me those evil orange sticks, man." He sneers as the couple laughs.
"Because they are healthy and if the kids don't complain about them neither should you." Ric says as Kol rolls his eyes and passes the carrots.
The conversation is stilled when the three hear heavy laughter coming from the living room as they smile hearing the laughter. Davina walks into the kitchen walking over to stand in between Kols legs.
"What can I help with?" Davina asks as Kenna hands her the salad bowl.
The teens in the living room continue studying with Alec trying to help as much he could. Lizzie was the first to break picking up her phone and closing her textbook.
"Liz, you have to study." Alec whispers trying not to disrupt his other siblings.
"Ugh, but it's too hard, my brain hurts." She sighs resting her head on his shoulder.
"That means you're learning." He chuckles as she sighs again but puts down her phone. Alec opens up the textbook again as she glares at it.
"Fine, but we both know that Jace and I will just end up cheating off Emery or Josie, oh and now I can cheat off Hope too!" She says as the group chuckles.
"Wouldn't you feel more accomplished if you passed the test on your own?" Josie says as Lizzie looks to her with a tired face.
"Nope, anyway, that's what siblings are for." She says as Hope smiles as the rest chuckle. Hope smiles looking to the teens thinking about how that is exactly what they have become to her. Her siblings. It took time and patience but they've opened up to her and she to them.
"Wow, don't freak out, Liz, but you just called Hope your sibling." Emery says as Lizzie looks up thinking back to what she had said. A look of realization falls on Lizzie's face as she looks towards Hope who gives her a small smile waiting for her to retract her sentence.

Try to Remember
FanfictionPrologue The notorious Klaus Mikaelson is known for being a merciless and psychotic killer. But many don't know that he once found love with a woman named Kenna Forbes, the sister of Caroline, but broke her heart when he cheated on her with Hayley...