Kenna's POV
Ric and I are on the couch in our office with two blood bags taking a break from work when there's a knock at the door. "Well it's not one of the kids, they would have barged in." Ric says while I laugh.
"Come in." I say as the Mikaelsons walk in without Hope who's in class.
"Hello again, what could we help you with today?" Ric asks as they all sit on the opposite couch.
"Hello there Ken, beautiful as ever, as always." Kol says to me with a smirk knowing it would piss off Klaus.
"Why thank you Sir Kol, so what's up?" I ask.
"Hope came home yesterday and told us about something..." Hayley trailed off.
"The party? Well if your worried about her safety I can assure you that she'll be safe." I say to them, but by their confused faces I'm guessing that wasn't what they were talking about.
"What party?" Rebekah asks excited.
"It's our daughters 16th birthday next week and they invited Hope." Ric says while the family nods and Klaus just glares.
"In that case, we'll all be coming along, to protect Hope of course." Klaus says.
"There's no need, the party will be guarded it will be safe, all the students will be there." I say not wanting to have to see Klaus more.
"I insist, we can never be too sure."
I just nod, knowing I won't be able to win, that was always a thing with Klaus, he always needs to be the winner the one on top.
"Anyway, Hope told us about how your older twins aren't tribrids." Freya says.
Ric and I look at each other understanding, when I found out that I was an elemental it was after I had the kids, that's when my powers were at their strongest. I learned to control them and learned to use them so I would be able to teach the twins once they got into their powers. Once I got turned into a vampire, I was scared to lose my powers but luckily I became a hybrid of vampire and elemental.
I look to the family and nod, "yes they are not tribrids but four different species."
"How could that be?" Klaus asks.
"They are part witch, werewolf and vampire because of your side but they are also part elemental on my side." I say.
"When I left you were human, how could that be?"
"My powers were always there but more dormant because I was never taught to use them, when I had the twins they activated, I then learned to use them to be able to teach the kids."
"They didn't go away when you turned?" Kol asked.
"No, I was quite surprised but I guess because they aren't normal witch powers." I say to them.
"So they are four species, that's extremely powerful." Freya says.
"Yes, they are extremely powerful, but with our training they have control and know how and when to use their abilities." I say.
"I could have helped, I could have been there for them." Klaus says upset.
"No, they needed to be safe, with you they would have been taken or used for their powers. The only way they would have been safe and had a normal childhood is with me. I'm not saying you wouldn't be able to, because Hope is here and happy but the twins were different they needed stability." I say as the family nods understanding but Klaus just stares at me.
"And your other son, Alec, correct?" Elijah asks.
"Yes, Alec is a born werewolf, Kenna and I adopted him into our family when he was 5 and we helped him when he turned, then about 6 months ago he was in an accident, thankfully he had Jaces blood in his system, he's now a hybrid." Ric explains.
"And it tasted disgusting." Alec says walking into the office with Jace and Emery as both Ric and I laugh.
"Shut up and be grateful, I saved your ass." Jace says smirking.
"Don't you three have class?" Ric asks.
"Nope, Mrs.Tate turned herself into a frog yesterday and is still having side effects so she cancelled class today." Emery explains as they give Ric and I hugs before sitting on the couch with us.
"What were you guys talking about?" Alec asks as Jace and Emery begin to glare at Klaus.
"You, actually." Ric says smiling at him.
"Cool, let me guess, he asked how I'm a hybrid?" He asked.
"We asked what you were, yes and they were happy to answer." Elijah explains.
"Yes and explain to us about how you were adopted." Klaus says a little coldly. I look to him a little shocked that he would say that, I was about to blow up at him when Alec starts to laugh along with the twins.
"Yes, my parents adopted me when I was 5, I may not be their biological kid but they love me like I was and so do my siblings." He says glaring at Klaus as the twins nod.
"Now that everything's cleared up, I'd like you all to leave before you say something my kids won't take lightly." I say glaring at Klaus.
"Could I at least say goodbye to my children, they are mine biologically." He says as his family starts to shake their heads at Klaus.
"Once again, you deaf old man, Alaric is our father." Emery says.
"Huh that reminds me, weren't you a human?" Klaus says looking at Alaric.
"Yes, but I got Caroline to change me, so I could help protect my family." Ric explains as I smile at him.
"You mean my children?" Klaus says smirking.
"Those kids may not be mine biologically but they're mine, I love them like my own, I raised them and nobody can take that away." Ric says standing next to me sure about his position.
"You tell him, dad." Jace says standing up and putting his arm on Ric's shoulder.
Klaus glares at Ric, thankfully Elijah interrupts, "Niklaus, we should go."
As the family starts to walk to the door, Elijah takes Klaus' arm to get his attention.
"I'm guessing this means you two chose." He says looking towards the twins.
"We decided what we have always known, we're happy with our family we don't need your legacy or name, we have our own." Emery says.
"We have our names and legacies, Forbes-Saltzman. Well once Dad signs the papers." Jace says smiling at Ric who looks like he's about to faint.

Try to Remember
FanfictionPrologue The notorious Klaus Mikaelson is known for being a merciless and psychotic killer. But many don't know that he once found love with a woman named Kenna Forbes, the sister of Caroline, but broke her heart when he cheated on her with Hayley...