"The Sassy Orange And The Shy Grey.."

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Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.

(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)

(Its, wage and babo-centric)

(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)

(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)

(This takes place after the events of the movie..)

(Requested by ZaneChan505 And pairing is Babo x Wage. I got bored so I wrote this short thing, lol.)

(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)




1. (of a feeling or reaction) resulting from anxiety or anticipation.

2. often or easily becoming worried and afraid about what might happen.

To say that Babo was nervous would be an understatement. No, he was balls out terrified.

"M-Moxy?" He stuttered. "Are you sure? This could ruin my friendship with her! She'd probably beat me if I attempted to do this!"

Babo could feel his heart pumping, today was supposed to be the day where he asked her on a date, but he was afraid that he'd screw up if he did.

His confidence wasn't that high, he hated his shyness was the thing that held him back. He hated his anxiety so much. It always made reason for something he wanted to do. It made him not want to.

"She wouldn't want you. A fat grey ugkydolls with a sassy, beautiful doll like her?"

"You wouldn't stand a chance."

He wanted to prove that he did have the strength to do this. He would do it!

His eye went to Wage, the sassy orange doll. She was always witty, sharp in tone, and even held her own when she was bullied when she had first got here.

He shivered at the beating thise dolls had received. That was why most dolls were careful to not make Wage mad. She was the type that would beat you up if you said shit about her.

"Hey dolls!" She made her way to them instead. "What's up?"

Don't stutter.

"F-fine." Damn it, he stuttered. "How are you?"

Wage raised a brow, and a frown tugged her lips. "Fine, you?"

"I am." Moxy interfered. "Do you wanna hang out at Lou and Nolan's later? We're all going to be there."

"Sure." Wage shrugged. "I ain't got nothing to do, anyway."

"Oksy then!" Uglydog shouted, albeit enthusiastically. "Let's go then, my peeps!"

Moxy laughed as he winked at her playfully, she turned to Mandy. "Is everything set in place?"

The other nodded. "Yep, it will be sure to work."

She grinned, and turned to Luckybat. "Make sure Babo shows up. We can finally do it."

"Sure." Luckybat smiled. "I will, I'll stop by his in an hour or so. I've got to see Ox first."


Babo wasn't hearing their conversation as he was in his own with Wage. It was easy to talk to her, they had been friends for a long time after all.

His feelings were easier to push down due to that. Even if he would never be with her, he got the privilege of being her best friend.





1. an impression of a quality or manner given by someone or something.

2. express (an opinion or grievance) publicly.

Babo came out of Nolan and Lou's house as she couple were seen making out on the dance floor. Yep, Nolan and Lou were a couple. He was going out for air.

"So, ya'll!" Lou was drunk as hell. "Shall we we get this party started?!"

Everybody cheered and smashed those drinks together. It was turning out to be a good night for all of them. All except Babo. He was feeling left out.

He stood outside in the back just watching the night sky. The stars shined that night. They were sparkly as well, like something good was going to happen.

He thought the opposite.

Why am I a screw up? He thought. I can't even talk to her properly.

He groaned and buried his head in his hands. A cup of punch was in his hands.

But this is one of Lou's parties. He thought. There is going to be alcohol in this.

He sniffed and it confirmed his theory. He could tell that there was wine in this. God, there were going to be so many drunk dolls tonight.

"Hey." A voice rasped, and Babo jumped out of his stuffing. "Are you okay?"

He looked behind him to see the orange doll that haunted his feelings day and night.

"Yeah." It was Wage. "Fine."

They stood at each other and Wage noticed something. "Moxy told me that you liked me."

"Wh.." Babo blushed. "What?"

"I noticed the signs as well." She punched his adm. "Man, babo. You should have just told me."

"I was afraid, how would you like someone like me?"

"Ya dolt, I do like you. Your the most kind and compassionate guy I know."

Wage smiled as she saw him blush even more. His face was more red than ever before.

"Do you?" Babo took her hand. "Do ys wanna go on a date? Like going to thr movies or something?"

She hummed and nodded. "Sure."

Babo cheered and Wage chuckled as she went inside. She was glad that Moxy had been right.

Both of them were looking forward to when the date was coming. Though, Babo was sooner than later.

Wage secretly hoped it would arrive like that soon as well.

(A/N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter~😁)

(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)

(Hope you enjoyed this chapter~😘)

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