"Reverted (Back to the old).."

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Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.

(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)

(Its, lou and Pipp (oc) and Ivy (oc)-centric)

(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)

(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)

(This takes place after the events of the movie..)

(qwertuno and In13579)

(This is just another potential scene for my story "Dance with Death.." Lol.)

(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)




1. identical; not different.

2. of an identical type; exactly similar.

Ivy stood next to the window in the building that she was in all those years ago. She was in the same position as before she had met Pipp and Lou just months before.

She had become as broken as she was in the past thanks to the help of the pathetic duo that was supposed to fix her.

My family betrayed me. She thought. They made me more broken than ever. They took advantage of me.

The betrayal had been too much for the young doll and she ran away before the others could say anything.

They don't deserve that chance to. They broke me.

The void in her chest was telling her that. Ivy was nothing more than a fuck up. Even the Louis and Pipp didn't want her.

They had cast her aside due to one fucking mistake.

Ivy clutched her necklace as it shined. Astral was on her shoulder looking at her with a pleading gaze.

They didn't mean to say those things. He whined. I'm sure that they didn't.

Ivy just folded her arms as she stared at the window in the building. Something had drew her here and she knew why it was.

The devil in disguise was waiting for her.

The one who had made her so fucked up that Ivy was afraid of a simple hug. The one who traumatised her to the point where she had become heartless.

The one who had made her belief there wasn't any hope in the world.

Ivy held back the tears as the wind came through the window. Her cigarette filled with marijuana filled the air and she already felt high.

Why should I trust anyone again?

That had only led her to this point. Louis and Pipp has fucked up big time.

Iv... Raziel sighed. We can still go back there's still time before he gets here. Mend the broken bonds.

She felt disgusted with that statement. Ivy felt physically sick. That was when she knew that there was no love for the duo now.

There was only hatred. The emotion ruled over her life. It wasn't going away now.

She felt arms around her, but they slimy and cold.

It was the entity that haunted her constantly.

"Fragile minds..(Uglydolls oneshots)" (Completed.)Where stories live. Discover now