Chapter one

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Underfell sans P.O.V.
         I got home quickly after my post was done. I really didn't want to get hit for being late again. My magic reserves were low so I couldn't teleport. Even if I could teleport I would probably have been too early for Pa...Boss. Boss was waiting for me, probably waiting to start counting how late I could've been. Boss took me by the hood of my jacket and slammed me against the wall. Damn that hurt. He came closer to me and I braced myself for a hit. Instead he chucked a letter to my face. A letter? We never get letters. "WE ARE INVITED TO A LAME PARTY IN SOME UNIVERSE THING!" Papyrus told me, "YOU BETTER GET US THERE SO WE CAN FIGURE WHAT ITS ABOUT!!"
        I nodded my head and quickly opened the envelope. It was an invitation to an A.U party all right. I've been to Underswap once, and Gaster told me about the A.U.s before. The thing is we've never gotten an invitation to a party or anything from the before. "ACTIVATE ALREADY IT, YOU PIECE OF TRASH!"
I tried to figure out how to activate it. Apparently I was taking too long because Boss slapped it out of my hand in an anger fit. That did it. A Gigantic portal opened with a swoosh. Boss was unlucky enough to be yeeted inside without realizing what was happening.
"He's gonna kill me" I thought frantically as I hopped into the portal.

Third person P.O.V

Underfell Papyrus crashed onto hard floor. Annoyed he stood up and looked around. There were many Papyrus' and Sans' staring at him. Underfell Papyrus grumbled something under his breath as a Sans ,who had a red scarf, a big wound crossing his chest, and one of his eyes was covered by white stuff, chuckled. "Hi welcome underfell Papyrus seems you fellt it to be right to crash  this party" mocked the Sans.
         Most of the other Sans's laughed at this remark except for one who looked beyond annoyed with punny puns. Some of the Papyrus' looked annoyed while others laughed too. "Sorry it was just too punny that I had to invite you too...Well I'm Sans...obviously but I am called Geno. You should probably be called Fell because of your amazing entrance." Geno said.
          Not as suddenly as how Fell got there Underfell Sans Fell from the sky and landed on his feet. He recognized Stretch (underswap papyrus) and Bueberry ( underswap sans). A couple skeletons looked surprised when they saw how beaten up Underfell Sans was others looked sorry for him. Underfell Sans didn't realize this, but he was slightly afraid of the Papyrus'. Geno's Expression also changed to look kinder, and more welcoming than before. "Now here is the guy we wanted to invite!" exclaimed Geno.
           Blueberry ran up to Underfell Sans and shoved a taco in his mouth. "WE FINALLY WERE ABLE TO GET YOU THAT LETTER RED!" Yelled Blueberry.
Underfell Sans now dubbed Red tried to say something but he couldn't talk with the taco in his mouth. The party then continued with a skeleton of people talking and running around and doing pranks and saying puns and other stuff. Red looked up at Fell wondering what his brother would look like after all of that. Fell looked back down at Red with a menacing look on his face. Red quietly walked away from his sinister brother. Red wasn't really paying attention to where he was going and bumped into something.... or someone. Red quickly apologized and looked at who he bumped into...

Cliff hanger...cuz why not

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