twenty two :.<

631 28 17

Top art or memes not mine:/

This chapter has suicide and crying skeletons :.<

Red and Classic did the same thing on many many resets afterwards. Each time they did something different, but the same idea of hanging out with each other. Everytime Red had to to back to underfell he would get beaten horribly, and Classic would see everyone die including himself.

Both of them were so close to giving up, but then Frisk would reset in undertale. Then they could stay together again. One reset Frisk wanted to make sure she got all of the secrets and stayed for what would be equal to a month or two.

Classic was thinking about how when every day passed Red would get beaten. He was going to immediately go to Underfell when this was over.

Red was having a hard time staying alive with his brother hurting him each time. He was so close to dusting every second, his stress levels were skyrocketing, but there was nothing he could do. Except... Red shook that idea out of his head, but it kept creeping back. He has done it before in other timelines...but not after he met Classic. Red decided not to do it.

Then Fell decided to be worse. Red was in unbearable pain all the time. He almost gave up, there was just a slim piece of sanity that allowed him to keep going, Classic, but Fell got so bad that Red was planning.

Red was planning to kill himself. Sometimes that felt like the only way, he felt hopeless, but he tried to stay alive. He tried so hard not to do it. Until Fell did the worse punishment Red ever had to endure.

Red broke after that. He knew he couldn't keep going in this timeline anymore. It hurt so bad. Two days after the punishment Red was ready. He had written a note, and had a rope hanging from his ceiling that was tied in a noose. Red made sure that it would work, and stood on a chair he brought into his room. Red jumped into the noose. After a few seconds his head started to feel big. It hurt, but he had gone through worse. Red thought about everything that had happened to him. Red tears flowed out of his eyes. His last thought was "I wish I didn't have to die"

Classic at the same time had already died and was waiting for Frisk to reset so he could see Red. Classic has super worried, he felt like something must have gone wrong and he was thinking of everything that could have happened to Red. Classic's mind lingered on Red doing suicidem and he could feel a tight not form into his nonexistent stomach. As soon as Frisk rested Classic teleported into Red's house. Fell was in the kitchen and looked surprised to see a sans appear and was about to say something to him, but Classic ran up into Red's room and opened the door.

There he saw Red with many injuries dangling from the noose. Classic ran to him tears forming in his eyes. Red's body started to dust. Classic sobbed. His heartbreaking sobs filled the room along with the sickening scent of monster dust. Red's jacket floated softly down go where Classic was and landed in front of him. Classic sat while gripping onto Red's jacket and sobbed into it louder.

Fell had decided to see what his pathetic brother was doing with the sans, and started to stomp up the stairs cursing Red under his breath. Fell looked into Red's room expecting to see two Sans's there, but instead he saw a sobbing skeleton sitting under a rope holding his brother's jacket filled with dust. Fell processed this really slow, but once he did he was in tears. Fell regretted everything he had done. Fell cried while standing in the door frame.

Classic heard Fell but didn't care that he was there, he only cared about the dust that was over the floor and himself.

A crack filled the room that came from Classic's chest. Classic didn't care about the pain. Classic just wanted Red to be there alive and smiling again. Cracking sounds filled the room from Classic's soul.

Fell prayed that this was a bad dream, but it was real. His brother was dead. His amazing older brother killed himself, and it was Fell's own fault. He never ment for this to happen. "Why couldn't Sans have told me?" thought Fell. Until he remembered how many times Red had pleaded with him to stop, he begged so much. Fell never took it to consideration. He could feel his own soul threatening to fall apart.

The doorbell rang surprising Fell, but Classic didn't seem to care or notice. In came Frisk bolting up to where she saw Fell standing. Frisk had tears in her eyes she had seen what Red was planning through a camera in Dr.Alphys lab, but she couldn't get there in time. This was the first time Frisk remembered Fell crying. Frisk looked inside Red's room and saw Classic sobbing softly into Red's jacket. Frisk felt awful. She had tears coming from her eyes now too and went over to Classic and patted his back.

Frisk was saying nice things to Classic but it didn't make him feel any better. Frisk eventually couldn't take it anymore and she started to sob too. Classic and Frisk both sobbed while Fell was still crying in the doorway.

Running noises startled Fell and he looked over to see Alphys and Undyne actually worried for Red. They both looked shocked to find he had killed himself. Alphys cried and Undyne tried to comfort her. "I I could h have m made it i in time!"

Undyne told Alphys that there was no way she could have got here fast enough, and that it wasn't her fault.

Alphys spotted the note that Red had written and picked it up. She started to read it out loud.

" I know I shouldn't do this, but everything hurts so much. I need a break from being alive for a bit. It is not anyone's fault. I just am pathetic and can't take that much pain. I know people have it worse then I do, but it just hurts. And Classic uf you are somehow reading this you are the only reason why I stayed alive for so long before doing it. I am sorry.

Sans (Red)"

Classic felt worse then before knowing that he was the only reason Red kept going, and he wasn't able to save him in time. Some boyfriend he was.

Everyone except Classic looked at Fell with a disgusted, and angry look. Fell felt the heavy guilt trying to suffocate him. Undyne felt slightly guilty since she made Fell this way, but still he took it too far.

The room felt heavy, sad, and angry. A very depressing atmosphere. Frisk knew she had to load her last save to get Red back, but she wasn't ready to yet. She really wanted Fell to pay for his actions, but she knew it would hurt everyone else even more, especially Classic. She decided to keep this timeline going for a week before reloading her save.

The first day was really hard for Classic. He had to go back to Undertale to see everyone not knowing what just happened. Classic locked himself in his room and sat there rolled up in a ball blaming himself. Ink was getting worried for Classic.

The second day Classic still stayed locked in his room. Papyrus was trying to get him out, but Classic refused. Papyrus was really worried so he got Undyne to try to kick down the door. Classic held it up with his magic. Many people tried to get him out but no one could. Classic didn't eat or sleep.

The third day Classic still refused to come out of his room. He did try to sleep this time, but woke up becaus oof having a nightmare about Red never coming back. When he woke up Classic sobbed quietly. He pulled up his sleeve and started to scratch his bones. All the Sans's who were aware of this situation worried for Classic.

The fourth day Papyrus was still trying to get Classic out of his room. Classic still refused to come out or eat. He was able to find a sharp pin and cut his arm a couple times. Ink decided that Classic needed help. He wouldn't be able to act normally when Frisk comes.

The fifth day was the day Frisk cam into the Underground. Classic still didn't come out of his room. Ink knew he had to get Classic out of there, so he opened a portal and was the first person to see Classic in five days. He was able to convince Classic to go to the multiverse meeting place and stay there until Underfell Frisk resets. There Ink bandaged Classic's arm, and tried to make him feel better. It was hard since Classic saw Red covered in injuries and hung himself, and the note. At least Classic didn't cut himself that day.

The sixth day many Sans's who knew about what happened came over to help Classic too. Luckily in one day Red would be back, or Classic would probably have done worse things to himself.

On the seventh day Classic waited for Underfell Frisk to reset. He was really hoping he could get there in time this time. The millisecond Frisk reseted Classic teleported right outside Red's room. He opened the door and ran inside to see Red hanging from the ceiling once again.

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