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         After the fight of the food two a skeleton of people started talking again. Classic went over to other people who wanted to talk to him which left Red alone in a full room. For thirty minutes a confused Red wondered around people to see whi he could talk to. Science Sans wanted to test something out and called everyone to a big machine that he had set up. Everyone walked over there wondering what the machine did. Classic seemed to know and looked like he was regretting every decision of his life. "This is soul mate finder machine 100.2. It gets connected to your soul and you are able to see a picture of your soulmate that appears on this screen here." said the Scientist as he pointed out different parts if the machine.
         "I really want to get someone to try it out!" explained da nerd "so I ask for some people to test it for themselves!"

       Blueberry was the first one to try it out. Everyone was not surprised to see Dust's face on the screen when Blueberry's soul was connected.  They already knew since Blueberry and Dust's souls both went insane when they first interacted. Science Sans tried out others who also knew their soulmate when he got an idea. "Everyone wants to know Classic's soulmate right?" He asked everyone.
     Almost the whole room said YES! Classic looked nervously around knowing what would happen if Science made him do this. Classic tried to speak up against this, but Classic Papyrus pushed his brother towards the machine. Cheers erupted from the whole room clouding out what Classic had said. Classic tried to back away, but science sans looked at him really creepily so he gave in. "NOW LET'S SEE WHO IT IS!"  Yelled Sience Sans when Classic got his soul connected.
       The whole room got so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The machine hummed a bit deciding what to show on the screen. Then something weird happened. Instead of showing a picture of anyone the screen started glitching out. Different colors splatted the screen and the machine screeched as it started to destroy itself. Finally the machine did a die. Science Sans was astonished. "My soul doesn't work the way it should," Classic sighed " Everytime someone's tried something like that it doesn't work."
      Red forgot that that happens to him aswell, but since the machine did a die he probably won't remember for a while. Classic unplugged his soul from the machine and left a shocked Science Sans next to it covered in machine oil that shot out at him. Classic said a pun and the atmosphere got back to normal. Red realized he hadn't seen his brother in a while and looked around for him.

Meanwhile Fell is stuck on the ceiling with Fresh talking in a weird language while dancing underneath the one who should have fell ages ago.

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