Twenty eight

596 32 19

Classic P.O.V

I woke up not that calmly I had a weird dream about Gaster and shoot it sucked. He was a great dad... at first. I looked over at Red who was still asleep on my arm. Helookssofrickinadorablewhyme.

Red shifted a little bit as he started to wake up. I still can't believe he is from underfell because of how edgy everyone is there. I mean he isn't a full on kitten but still.

"Good morning sweetheart"

"Good morning Red"

"I don wanna move"

Honestly I didn't either. "Me neither"

After a bit of awkward silence Red seemed a bit worried.
"Are you ok sweetheart? I didn't know that you could get even paler then before"

I was able to mumble out "Mmm fine" as I buried my face into his shoulder.

Red was able to grab my skull and pull me closer to him. He clanked my teeth which I gladly returned.

I felt my Soul get flared up with love for the mustard drinking skele.

I am so God dammed gay.

Red's P.O.V

    Classic seems to be bothered by something. I hope he didn't have a nightmare and that's what's wrong. At least I can get him to be as close to me as possible.

We joked around for a long time after getting up. It was funny waking up outside with out being able to see the end of the sky instead of the underground's....ceiling.

After a while we went to the town Classic now lives in. It was so weird seeing humans and monsters walking near each other without any problems. I must have looked amazed because Classic laughed and told me how surprised I looked.

He took my hand and lazily showed me around the town. We avoided crossing too many streets because I got freaked out seeing cars just sitting there with humans inside. I had never seen a real car before either.

There were few humans who seemed to dislike us, but Classic didn't seem to care so I didn't either.

Classic showed me some cool new things that I have never seen before. One of those things was really good to eat it was called a brownie. It kinda looks like dirt, but it definitely doesn't taste like it.

After a while some humans and even a few monsters started whispering a bit when we passed them. The monsters seemed confused, but those humans... didn't seem to like us. Even Classic didn't seem to get why at first.

( AUTHOR THINGY: I kinda feel like for skeleton monsters being gay would be a lot more common since Female and Male skeletons probably wouldn't have a big difference. And since Sans and Papyrus are the "last" two skeletons left other monsters would probably forget this fact)

Maybe humans don't like seeing others hold hands and walk close to each other. I have heard that in some human places that is true, but I'm not so sure about here since I had seen some humans holding hands.

Classic still didn't seem to care, probably was to lazy to care, so I decided to not pay attention to that anymore.

Suddenly Classic's boss I mean Papyrus ran up to us seemingly relieved. "I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU EVERYWHERE SANS!" *he notices me* "BROTHER WHO IS THAT?"

"this is my boyfriend red, paps"

I blushed a bit at that. I wondered how Papyrus would take that 'seemingly sudden' news.


Papyrus picked both of us up, making me flinch a bit, and ran to their house. It looked exactly the same as it did in the underground snow and everything. He plopped us down on the couch and started to cook some fresh spaghetti.

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