1 and a two =12

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Abuse and stuff in this chapter but also cuteness, so if you don't want to read the abuse part I'll write when that part stops in bold so you can find it easier to get to the happier part :3

Fell grabbed Red by the neck and slammed his head against the wall. Upon impact Red let out a small pained whimper, a disturbingly deep crack started to form in the back of Red's head. Fell squeezed Red's neck harder, causing Red's head to feel like it was about to explode. Fell held Red there for almost a minute. By the end of it Red was gasping desperately for air, and the corners of his vision started to go black. Fell looked at Red with pure disappointed. "WHY DID I HAVE TO END UP WITH A USLESS THING LIKE YOU!" Papyrus shouted as he threw Red to the floor.
        Red tried to scoot away from his maniac brother. This aggravated Fell even more and he kicked Red in the ribs repeatedly. Red put his arms around his ribs to try to cover them from the hard high healed boot, only caused him to get bruised and broken arms. Fell took both of Red's hands, and picked him up so his feet layed flat on the floor. Fell put his boot on Red's smaller feet and stretched Red's arms farther than thy should have gone. Red's big eyes swelled up with tears that he tried to keep from falling. It hurt so much for the little skeleton, but this was no where near over. Fell smirked and stretched Red's arms up farther. Tears started to slip from Red's eyes as his bones started popping. Fell dropped Red back on the floor. Then he grabbed Red by his hood and threw him into the basement/torture room. Red was shaking so violently it looked like he was going to be shook apart. Fell walked calmly towards Red, and started to kick him once again, but it was worse this time.
Pathetic *kick*
Useless *kick*
Lazy *punch*
Stupid *kick*
Ugly *punch*...
And the list goes on.
"B boss p please s stop it h hurts" pleaded Red.

          Fell picked Red up by his hood once again to get a closer looked at his pathetic brother. Red didn't look at his brother, and kept his eyes closed. Fell threw Red into the wall. A whimper escaped Red when he saw Fell towering over his small shaking broken body. Red put his hands over his head to protect himself from a kick that never came. After a while Red looked up to see Fell leaving the basement. Red was relieved that it was over. He could hardly lift his head to see his wounds, but managed to see many broken, cracked, or bruised bones. Red let out a shaky sigh as he put his carefully back on the floor. Before he knew it he was drifting off to sleep, but he could've sworn he saw something blue right before he passed out.

The abuse be done for this chapter at least

Classic P.O.V
Even once Papy and I got home from the party I couldn't shake off the feeling that I should go to Underfell to check on Red. I mean with his brother that angry and all who knows what will happen to him. I got increasingly worried every time I thought if what his brother would do...I will try to go to Underfell. I have never been there before due to everyone avoiding it. I heard it was really bad, but their Frisk was helping their underground get better. I calculated the place where I had to teleport to be in their house. I cautiously teleported there not sure what to expect.

      The atmosphere of the whole house was heavy, unlike how my house is like. Their sofa was torn at some places, and there were a couple unidentified greenish bottles on the floor. I quietly looked around for where Red could be. I heard soft shuffling noises coming from the basement. I carefully opened the basement door, and walked down the stairs. There I saw Red looking awful. Even worse than how he looked when he got to the party. Cracked bones were sticking out of his shirt, and blood was everywhere. It looked like his arms were badly damaged, and one of his legs seemed to be broken. I quickly ran up to the broken Sans and tried to find a way to pick him up with out hurting him more. I carefully picked up the sleeping monster,, when I heard the door creak open.
Standing in the doorway was a nervous little human. She ran up to me and asked where I was taking her friend, and why I looked so much like him. I told her a bit about how I am an alternate version of Red, and how I was going to take him to my house to help him. She started telling me to please be careful.  "He is afraid of being touched by most people, and he might have a violent nightmare or panic attack. Please don't hurt him."
"I won't" I reassured her, "I have a skeleton of reasons to help him"
She looked surprised at first, but I managed to make her smile. "Ok You should hurry now Papyrus will be here any second!"
   Hearing my brother's name was a bit startling at first, but then I remembered they didn't call him Fell here. I said good bye and teleported to my room.

        I carefully placed Red on my mattress, and started to heal him. I was surprised how well I was able to heal him since we just met, but I didn't really dwell on that for long. I looked at Red's face as it changed from nervous to calmed. I guess he might have also started to have a nightmare aswell. I stared at him for a bit longer when I finally decided to go downstairs.
      I said a punny pun about Spaghetti and went to the table to eat.
     " What didn't it tickle your funny bone?"
       "You're smiling"
       "AND I HATE IT"
    I chuckled a bit when We both heard something from my room. I probably should have told Papyrus already. "SANS LEAVE IT TI THE GREAT PAPYRUS TO SEE WHAT THAT NOISE WAS!"
"I'll come with ya bro"
We both walked up the stairs and into my room. Red was confused about waking up somewhere else on a bed. "ANOTHER SKELETON! SANS HE LOOKS JUST LIKE YOU"
"He's my friend Paps"
Red looked startled when he heard my brother's voice, but calmed down a bit when he saw that is wasn't his boss. "Um Classic why a am I h here?" asked the nervous Red.
" You were hurt and looked like you would die in any moment" I responded.

   Red looked around a bit confused about something. Papyrus ran up to Red and picked him up before I could tell him not to touch him.
Red immediately started freaking out once Papyrus touched him. He tried to get away from the possible threat. Papyrus didn't understand why Red was so scared, and he held him up a bit higher.
Red did not take this well at all "D DON'T T TOUCH ME!" Yelled Red as he got away from Papyrus's grasp.

"Red he won't hurt you" I said trying to calm him down.
Red didn't seem to let his guard down, but he seemed to calm down a bit.
I was glad that he wasn't freaking out anymore, and realized that keeping Red here for even a week would result in us have many moments like this.

This is gonna be a long timeline.

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