Fifth of the chapter

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         Classic quickly explained that Red was probably scared of the Papyrus's to Geno. Geno looked surprised at first then he seemed to realize it made sense. Geno told all the Papyrus's to stop surrounding Red. The problem is that most of the Papyrus's are better at calming anyone down than most of the Sans's are. Most of the Sans have had plenty of panic attacks, but weren't good at calming other people's down down. Classic has also had a fair share of panic attacks, but when other Sans'shad panic attacks he was able to calm them down quickly . Ink looked up at Red's brother, and realized Fell would not do anything to help. Classic slowly walked towards Red. Red was hyperventilating, and looked like the attack was physically hurting him too. When Classic got closer Red seemed to try to back away from him, but the table stopped Red from scooting away to far. Classic got close enough to grab both of Red's hands. Red's eyes lights were trying to focus on what was in front of him. "Come on pal. You're safe. no one will hurt you here"
          Classic closed his eyes and soft blue magic came from him into Red. Red's breathing slowed down, and his eyes seemed to focus better.
      Classic P.O.V.
I was able to get our souls connected through our brains. Usually when somebody has a panic attack their brains area is usually prety messed up. Red's brain area was almost completely broken. I had to search a while to find him, but there he was. He looked very scared about how the area looked. I went up to him and slowly grabbed his hand. I felt a tug of something I've never felt before. I think I've felt it before actually, but not that strong. The look on Red's face made it seem like he felt the strange feeling too. Both of our faces were so shocked that we both started laughing. Red looked like I had just grown a robot kitten on my face. We cracked up. The brain area started to soften and it looked less messed up and crazy. I looked back at Red once we were able to breath again. Wow...he looked...Well nevermind. I carefully disconnected our Souls from Red's brain. I opened my eyes, and just how left it I was holding Red's hands and healing magic was flowing from me to him. Red seemed calmed again. That was a bad panic attack he had.


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