Eight da nightmare

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Once Classic threw Fell out of the room everyone was quiet. Everyone then assorted themselfs into groups of good friends. Ink went over to Red to see if he was alright, and to help clean up the blood. Error followed Ink, but didn't really do anything else. After Red's blood was cleaned up Classic took him to help prank a skeleton of the others. They both successfully rigged the doorway to throw slime at whoever opens the door, and when that person moved forward a fan would cover them in pillow feathers. Red was excited to see who would fall victim of there punny trap. Classic was also excited, but he wanted to make the trap even better. Classic put a very loud rubber duck around the area where people would step on to get in the room. Classic and Red giggled at their creation. Soon, since the two had nothing else to do but wait, they started saying puns and jocks yo each other. At about ten a clock Blueberry decided to make everyone go to sleep. A couple skeletons including Dust tried to refuse, but Blueberry somehow got then tucked up tight into their sleeping bags. He even used some force with Horror, which caused all the other Sans's to just hop into their sleeping bags to not get forced into them. Blueberry stood up proudly and asked for someone to read a bedtime story. Science Sans didn't want to be the one chosen so he quickly pointed at someone who happened to be Classic. Everyone new that Classic was a good story teller, so nobody complained...or they just didn't want to have a chance to get picked. Classic sighed in defeat and teleported a book to his hands. While he was reading every one fell asleep except himself. Classic closed the book and looked around not a single other soul was awake in the whole room.
Classic had a small smile on, and flicked of the lights with his magic. He looked to the closest person to him who was Red and chuckled. Red was curled up in a little ball and he was quietly purring. This made Classic wonder if Red actually had a bed in his universe. Classic also wondered about why Fell was so mean to Red. He heard someone shifting around and he looked at Red. Red was hugging a pillow that used to be on the head of his sleeping bag. Classic smiled at this and drifted off into sleep.




But the night was not going to be peaceful for Classic.

Red's P.O.V.
I was (surpringly) peacefully sleeping with out any sort of dream when I was awoken by a whimper like sound. I sat up still half asleep when I heard a choked sob coming from the same direction as the whimper. This woke me up completely and I looked around to see who was making the noise when my eyes layed on Classic. He was twisting and turning In his sleep while muttering something in WingDing. I can understand WingDing, but it was choked up by his quiet sobs which made it near impossible to understand. I had to try to wake him up. "Classic," I whispered while shaking him "wake up you're having a nightmare!"
Classic started to thrash around more violently. I carefully shook him and tried to tell him it was a dream. Suddenly his eyes shot open and he jolted up into a sitting position. He was shaking violently, and not fully aware of when or where he was. "Classic," I whispered "it was just a dream your safe."
I realized Classic's left eye was lit up blue and slight yellow. His eye was trying to focus, but wasn't any making progress thus sending Classic into a deeper state of panic. I was surprised no one else was awakened by his sobs, but put that aside. "See your safe" I said as I gently touched his shoulder.
Classic looked at me in the eye and seemed to try to recognize me. "R Red?"

"Yeah see you're safe" I told Sans quietly.
Classic's shaking worsened. I thought about what I always wished I could have after a nightmare and without thinking I hugged him protectively. I could feel his soul beats and he could feel mine. Classic seemed to calm down when he heard my soul beats, and slowly started to drift back to sleep. I gently rubbed his back and whispered nice things to him. When he fell asleep I was left wide awake with Classic clinging on to my shirt. I chuckled and felt my face turn a bit Red. He was so.....cute when he slept. I felt my eyes droop, and unconsciously put my skull on top of Classic's as I fell into a peaceful sleep.


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