24 the angry guilt

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This chapter has more skeleton abuse in it
Fell had never felt angry before. He didn't understand why Red had tried to kill himself. Fell was confused, sad, guilty, and angry. He was mostly angry that others had realized what he did to Red. Fell thought that Red must have told everyone. He didn't think that anyone would peice together the fact that Red was always hurt, and that he always flinched when someone touched him. Fell didn't even think that they would realize how scared Red was of himself.

Obviously many monsters realized, and knew.

Few knew what to do about it though because of how strong he is.

Luckily Classic stayed in Underfell until Undertale Frisk reseted. It was a week and a half for Frisk to reset. This allowed Classic to protect Red from Fell by just staying with Red the whole time. Fell acted nicer then he usually did towards Red, but Red still didn't trust him. Which is pretty understandable.

After a week the whole Underfell underground knew that Red and Classic were a couple, and most of them thought it was sansational. UF Frisk was doing a good job at making underfell better. Things were finally looking up for Red.

When Classic had to leave, the underground was slightly sad, but excited for him to visit again. Some monsters wanted to kill him but not as many as usual.

Before he left Classic made Red promise to never kill himself again. Red agreed and hugged Classic. Classic hugged back then teleported back to his universe.

Red sighed and missed Classic already, but at least Fell wasn't hurting him that much anymore. He felt like there was something wrong, but he couldn't place it. Red was supposed to be super happy that Fell was not as violent, but something wasn't right to him.

Red shrugged it off and did his job before walking back to his house.

When Red got back his brother was already there waiting for him. Fell stared cold and hard at Red causing Red to feel nervous. "H heya b boss... is something w wrong?"


Red seemed slightly hurt by that remark and looked down.


"N no it's j just th tha-"


Fell took Red by his collar and slammed him against the wall. Red's Hp dropped dramatically. Fell continued to yell and kick Red in the ribs, not allowing the skele to get back up. Red could hardly breathe and begged for Fell to stop.

Fell kicked him harder, which stopped Red from begging for help, but caused him to start shaking up blood. He then dragged Red to the basement which sent Red into a violent panic attack. Fell just yelled at him to shut up as he broke Red more. Red started hyperventilating. " SHUT THE _____ UP!"

Red whimpered and tried to protect himself by putting out his hands in front of his head. Fell just grabbed his arms and cracked one almost in half.

It hurt so much that Red couldn't scream. Fell laughed maniacally and pushed Red to the wall and told him to be good and stay there. Just to make sure Red wouldn't move he stomped on his legs successfully breaking them. Red whimpered in pain. Tears dripped from his eyesockets , as Fell was choosing a weapon to torture him with. Red was helpless. When Fell found one, and Red tried to scramble away from his brother.

Fell just laughed. "DON'T WORRY! IT WON'T HURT THAT BAD!"

Red knew this was a lie and looked terrified. "NOW YOU KNOW TO NEVER ASK FORHELP YOU PATHETIC PIECE OF ______"

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