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Quick question..can you deccode this?-  jlyiadrysetsf
On to da story

Red almost gave up the search for his brother when Fell came bursting into the room. Nobody seemed to care about this fact and just kept talking. Red looked up at Fell and made unwanted eye contact with his menacing little brother. Red quickly looked back down before Fell would come and yell at him for it. Fell felt a pang of guilt, but didn't know why he was guilty...'probably because My brother is so lazy I have to hold his guilt for being an awfull brother for him..The lazy piece of trash.'
       Classic got himself in another challenge, to see who could put the most hotdogs on Fell's head. Classic beat everyone who participated causing him to get ten dollars total. On the table of the kitchen there was a lot of food Red had never eaten before. He was curious about the bunch of cupcakes, but didn't eat any since he might throw up again. Some of the skeletons started to go home, which struck fear in Red as he remembered what Fell will definitely do to him later. Red was luckily able to hold in his fear well enough so nobody else realized how terrified he felt. It worked when he was talking to everyone...except Classic. Classic could read anyone like a book, and realized the second Red said a pun to him. Classic didn't question Red about it since it was quite obvious why he was nervous, but Classic did stick around Red a bit more to keep his abusive brother away. Sadly everyone had to leave eventually. Fell had had enough with his useless   older brother, and picked him up by the hood of his jacket. Red squirmed as little as possible, but reflexes made him at move around a bit. "WE ARE GOING HOME NOW" said Fell directed to Red, but his loud voice let everyone left hear it.
    Before anyone could stop Fell he had chucked Red into the Underfell portal, and hoped in himself. There was a heavy feeling of dread all around the room. Classic felt like he could've done something to protect his new friend more. Even though eventually they would have had to gone back anyway. Classic prayed that Red wouldn't get punished.


Not everything comes the way you hope.


Red hit the hard floor of the house causing a small scratch to form on his skull. Red looked up and seeing the portal he scrambled to get away from were his little brother would land. Shortly after Fell did fall out of the portal,  but he didn't fall down this time. Fell walked up to his shaken up brother with a look of disappointment.

Red readied himself for another horrible time.

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