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After that movie Alphys put another one in. It was something about little cats. Red tried his best not to wake Classic up, but the sounds of the new movie seemed to have woken him up anyway. Classic was confused on why his head was on Red's shoulder and he quickly sat up. Alphys looked over at him with a smug look on her face. Classic shot her a 'shut up' look.

     After the second movie Undyne really wanted to put another one in, but Alphys looked over at Red who looked like he hardly ever sleeps. "You guys c can go b back home. Undyne a and I c can stay h here to c continue watching" 

    With this said Papyrus,Classic,and Red said goodbye and walked out the door. Not without Classic placing a whoopie cushion down on the couch. Right when they left Undyne could be heard yelling Sans angrily. Classic chuckled and teleported them to the house. Papyrus was yelling at Classic about probably doing a prank. Classic was able to get more on Papyrus's nerves by saying puns. Red joined in. Finally Papyrus accepted defeat.
After a little while Papyrus asked for a bedtime story. Red was once again confused. Almost all books in his universe were about torture and awful things like that. Why would anyone read them before going to bed unless you're insane.
They all went upstairs into Papyrus's room. Classic got out a bunny book and waited for Papyrus to get into his bed. Red stood next to Classic who was sitting on a chair next to Papyrus's bed. The book wasn't very long, but Red enjoyed listening to it. Papyrus had fallen asleep despite the fact he always said he didn't need sleep. Once Classic finished the book there was another problem that needed o be answered. Where is Red gonna sleep?

The two Sans's tip toed out of the room and quietly shut the door. "Red do you wanna sleep in my roo m and I'll take the couch or the other way around"

"C can I  s sleep with y you?"

Classic got startled by this question. "um..."
"It's j just because I d don't trust y your b boss..I m mean P P Papyrus"

   Classic "sure you can it won't bother me"

   Red looked relieved by this which made Classic smile. Red grabbed Classic's hand as they walked over to Classic's room.

Classic could hear his soul thumping loudly in his skull. Red didn't seem to realize he had grabbed Classic's hand until he looked down. Red turned a bit Red and let go. Classic opened the door to his room and let Red go inside. Red was shocked that Classic had a mattress with covers, and random things in his room. Red's room was almost complete empty except for the stuff in his closet and a pillow he has. Red looked so surprised. Classic thought Red looked cute. "You can sleep on that side, and I'll sleep on this side"Classic said as he pointed at the mattress.

They both layed down on the opposite sides of the mattress. Red was amazed by how warm and soft it felt. He was out like a light in a couple of seconds. Classic was kinda afraid to go to sleep especially with Red there. Classic was worried that he would have another night terror, which could bring him to accidentally hurt Red.

Classic's mind went blank for a second when he heard Red's soft breathing. The rythem of his friends breath calmed Classic down. Soon he was also fast asleep.

Red's P.O.V.
I was sleeping without a care in the world when I once again awoke by something. This time the sound I woke up from wasn't complete saddness it also had anger in it. It sounded panicked, and angry laced with sadness. I sat up and looked over to Classic. Once again it looked like he was having a nightmare.

Remembering what I did before to calm him down I carefully moved over to Classic. I was about to shake him when my soul felt heavy. Classic had grabbed my soul. His eyes were open, but he didn't seem to be seeing what he was doing. Classic pushed me back towards the wall. It took a chunk of my HP away, but other than that I was fine. Classic had a fearfull look in his eye, when I tried to approach him once again. I put my arms out to show that U wasn't planning to hurt him. Classic looked up at my face, as he realized what he had just done. "R Red I'm sorry I d didn't mean to hurt you" said my still half asleep friend.

"It's ok Classic I'm fine and you're safe it's all good."
I kneeled back down on the mattress to see Classic better. He had tears forming in his eyes. I was about to comfort him when I felt him wrap his arms around me. Classic's breathing was quick and shaky, so I hugged him back. I rubbed circles around his backbone which seemed to work. The tension in his form got released, and his breath steadied once again. It was almost the same as last time, apparently all Classic really needed was a hug. I laid my head on top of Classic's, and felt my eyes droop. We both fell asleep in the same position as last time. It felt nice. I liked being this close to felt strange,  but good.


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