Four teen

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     Alphys ran up to Red and started asking him a lot of questions. Red looked nervously tried to answer some of the questions, but Alphys kept asking them before he could finish answering them. Red kept stuttering more and more, when Alphys's questions started to get too personal. Classic finally was able to stop Alphys from scaring his lookalike. "S S SORRY! I I didn't m mean to s scare y you.!" Alphys apologized when she realized how afraid Red looked.

      "i i it's o o ok" was all that Red was able to stutter out, out of shock.

     "wel Al. if you wanna know Red is from an alternate universe. And he is that universe's Sans', so we call him Red and he calls me Classic." explained Classic.

      Red nodded carefully and slightly moved more towards Classic once again. "W wow th that's cool! N nice to meet y you Red!"

     Red got less tense than before as he decided Alphys was no threat. "H hi" Red replied, unsure about what to say to her.

    "WELL COME ON NERDS LET'S ALL WATCH SOME EPIC FIGHT SCENES!" Undyne yelled as she picked up Papyrus and Alphys to carry them inside.

     Alphys started blushing like crazy, but Papyrus was yelling at Undyne to put the skeleton down. Undyne ran back into the house with both of them yelling about what they should all watch. Classic and Red walked into the house after Undyne. Red wasn't sure what was so good about watching anything. Everything to watch in his universe was mostly torture and other not really entertaining or nice shows. Everyone except Classic and Red was trying to figure out what to watch. Undyne really wanted some fighting anime, while Alphys wanted mew mew power. Papyrus just wanted something with skeletons in it. Red still gripped on to Classic's jacket sleeve, since Classic was the only person that Red trusted in the whole universe, or Classic even could be the only person Red trusted at all. Finally after thirty minutes, and a lot of puns, did everyone sit at the couch to watch an anime. It was about a magic fish who wanted to be a human, and a boy who saved the fish. Classic got very bored with this movie, while Red was surprised to see something that was actually nice for once. In the middle of the movie Red felt weight on his shoulder. He looked over his side, and saw that Classic had fallen asleep. On his shoulder. When he was the only one Red trusted in the whole room. Red didn't mind, and kept watching the movie. When he looked over at Classic his soul felt weird, but Red assumed it was just because of how it was his first close friend since Grillby. Alphys got curious on why Classic wasn't saying any puns, and looked over to see Classic asleep on Red's shoulder. Alphys quickly took out her phone and took a picture of this amazingness. Alphys put it away quickly before Red could notice what she did.


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