25 judgments and fixing

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In the morning Red was shocked to find himself in Fell's bed and almost fell off. He caught himself right before falling over, and realized Fell was right next to him, almost giving Red a heart attack. If he had a heart.

Fell woke up to see a very very freaked out Red. He was able to calm him down and tell Red that he wasn't going to get hurt. Fell was even able to get Red calm enough to get healed.

Then the two went down to eat breakfast. Red was literally starving, which caused him to eat pretty quickly making Fell laugh. "SANS I WILL NEVER HURT YOU AGAIN. GOT THAT?"

"Yess b boss"


" ok b...paps"

Fell smiled at how overjoyed Red seemed.

Fell told Red that be didn't have to go to work if he didn't want to for that day, so Red got to happily sleep the whole day away . Things were finally looking up.

After a few days Red started to worry for Classic since he knew how bad genocide runs were for him, so he decided that he wanted to check on him.

Red had enough magic to teleport himself into Classic's house. Which he did with no hesitation.

Unsurprisingly no one was there, so Red went outside to look for his partner. Red was surprised of how much dust there was. He knew we it was genocide, but there was not an inch of air that didn't have the depressing smell of monster dust.

Red had the sickining thought that Classic was dead...but he might be in judgment hall. Red carefully went to the castle to look for Classic.

He had to search a while, but eventually he saw the orange yellow glow of the hallway. Red cautiously walked towards it not knowing what he would see.

He saw a Frisk with red eyes and a knife finishing a slash through Classic's ribcage. Blood came out if the cut, and Classic even coughed some up. Red with tears in his eyes teleported over to Classic and empaled Frisk with a sharp red bone.

Classic weakly hung on to Red who was holding him protectively. Watching Frisk to see if she would try to attack him again. Frisk seemed to be close to death, so Red readied another bone but Classic started to cough up more blood. Red held Classic carefully making sure not to hurt him any further. "R Red... w what are you doing here?" Asked Classic who's voice was hardly a whisper.

"I came to see you of course sweetheart"

Red was in tears but still tried to hide it from his voice. "Hehe... n not the funnest times huh."

"Can I do anything for you? Should I heal you? I can tr-"

"Frisk will just kill me again and right now I am just happy that you came for me"

Red held Classic closer to him and rocked them both back and forth humming a comforting song. Blood got on Red's shirt, but he didn't care about the shirt.

Classic's eyes started to droop and his grip on Red hot even weaker then before. Red clanked Classic's forehead. He was close to sobbing, but didn't allow himself to sob for Classic. "I g gotta say. This was the b best death I h have ever had"

Classic winked at Red as he started to turn to dust. "I'll be back before you know it"

Soon all that was left was his blue jacket and other clothes. Red sobbed into the jacket.

Frisk's sharp red eyes seemed to soften realizing the pure sadness of  the skeleton. She had never seen this monster before, but already felt so sorry for him. Even Chara who was controlling Frisk felt a bit guilty. Watching a heart broken monster sobbing over a lost one was very depressing.

Eventually Red knew he had to let Frisk get past him in order for her to reset. He got rid if the bone he used on her and teleported into Classic's house. He layed Classic's jacket on Classic's bed and teleported back to his universe, and waited for undertale to reset.


Classic woke up in his bed mattress with a start. He calmed down a bit after a while, and smiled when he remembered how Red came to check on him. His face turned bright blue and he hid it with his hands. "Why me"

Red decided that Frisk probably reseted already, so he teleported to Classic's room. Classic bear hugged Red when he appeared. Red was caught by surprise, but hugged back.

"I'm g glad you ok sweetheart"


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