The twentieth :3

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Skele abuse in this chapter

Classic and Red just cuddled together for a long time. Both of them just wanted to stay like this forever, but luck sucks sometimes. A creak of a door opening could be heard kinda close to the post they were at. Classic felt a pit in his non-existent stomach. Red slightly realized what was happening and hugged Classic a little tighter. Classic felt horrible that Red had to go back to Underfell, so he tightened his hug on Red aswell.
Red cut him off "Y yeah I I know I have to go b back."

Classic and Red stood up and both of them weren't sure how to say goodbye.

There were a few moments of silence before Red clanked Classic (kissed). "Th thank you"
Classic was about to say something when Red told Classic to teleport him back to Underfell. Classic sighed and teleported Red.
Classic felt sadder then usuall, but quickly went to run behind Frisk.

In Underfell
Red was teleported into his room. He was still for a moment as he processed where he was. After a few seconds he sighed and looked behind him. His universe's Frisk was there sitting on the floor looking up at him. Red jumped since he didn't expect to see anyone there. "Did the skeleton who took you hurt you?"
Red was slightly confused by the question but answered it. "No he d didn't even let me get h hurt at all"
Frisk looked relieved. "I was so worried that I sat here for a couple days"
"A and you thought I w would appear in this r room"
" cool"
Frisk laughed a bit, and stood up. Flowey was sleeping behind her and was only visible to Red when she stood up. "Well once I load my save that was taken right before you left go over to Alphys. I will be putting on a movie night!"

"O ok I'l try t to be there"
" You will be there!"

Red knew Frisk would definitely find a way to somehow get him to come, so that was something to look forward to. "Well brace yourself"
Red braced himself for the load. The world turned white for a few moments before it melted into his basement. Red was now really badly scratched, bruised, and some of his bones were broken. He also looked and felt like he hadn't slept in days. Red was locked to a poll, that was connected to a leash, connected to a collar that was around his neck. All the normal scene...for Red at least.

A couple days later

     Red was hanging from his hands on the wall. A bit of blood dripped from his legs, arms, and head. Every part of his body was bruised, broken, and/ or scratched. Red was even missing a few ribs. Papyrus had punished him everyday at least twice. Each time was brutal, and really messed up.

Red thought about Classic to keep his mind off the pain. Red wondered if he was ok.

His thoughts were stopped when Red heard Fell coming down to the basement. Red just felt fear. His boss was holding  a bucket full of broken pieces of glass. Red knew what was coming. One of the most scarring punishments he had to endure, and not because it was the most painful. It was not the most painful, but it always broke a chunk off of Red's already messed up mental health.

When Fell pushed each piece of glass into Red's weak small bones tears fell from his big eyesockets. "YOU ARE THE MOST PATHETIC USLESS STIPID UGLY PIECE OF TRASH THAT HAS EVER LIVED"
Yelled Fell after all the pieces of glass were stuck in Red's bones.

Then a maniac smile creeped on Fell's face. One by one he ripped the glass pieces out. Tears mixed up with blood.
Red whimpered and closed his eyes waiting for it to be over. Fell put the pieces he already took out of Red back in. Fell kicked Red a couple times before just leaving him like that. Red silently cried, but couldn't stop a few heartbreaking whimpers from escaping his mouth.

Red just wanted to eat something. He just wanted to rest. He just wanted Fell to be his little brother again. He just wanted everything to be alright.

And he just wanted to see the punny blue jacket wearing skeleton soon.

Online school can go die in a hole

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