TwEnty ONE

609 29 14

More skele abuse in this chapter :,<


      Fell would come a punish Red horribly at least twice everyday. Red was never allowed to eat and hardly slept. He looked exhausted. Frisk, Alphys, and Undyne (from underfell) kept trying to make Fell realize how bad he was treating Red. Fell still didn't seem to notice, or care. Red pleaded with Fell to stop hurting him. Fell usually just beat Red harder. Once again Fell decided to put more glass shards in Red. Red wasn't even allowed to take of the glass shards that were all over his little body. Everytime a glass shard came off or got cut in half Fell would put it back in. Red felt acute pain in every part of his body, that would never go away. Everyone else really wanted Fell to disappear.

In undertale Classic was not having a great time either. Frisk decided to do a genocide route again, but she tried to unlock as much as she could. This caused the run to be super long and Classic had no way to stop it. After a little over a week she finally got to judgment hall. Classic beat her pretty bad. Over an over again Frisk died. When she was defeated the 200th time Classic just wanted it to be over and basically allowed Frisk to kill him without obviously going easy.

Sans P.O.V.

Frisk landed her final blow on my chest. Welp now I'm going to die again. I did my dialogue thing and asked Papyrus if he wanted to go to Grillbys. I slowly felt myself break apart into dust. Being broken apart is not the best feeling.

For a while I just felt myself floating. Then everything went white as my room started to take shape around me. Frisk reseted again. Welp this time is was good. I could go get Red .
Without hesitation I teleported into Red's house in underfell. I looked around for a bit until I remembered about the basement.

I quickly ran to the basement floor, and there was Red. I felt tears start to prick my eyes. His blood on the walls and floor. Even some weapons that were lying around had his blood on them. I ran up to Red and saw that he was covered with glass pieces.

I started to use my magic to carefully take the glass shards out without hurting Red. Red was shaking and tearing up, but he was smiling at me. He looked like he never had slept once in his life.  Red slightly pushed himself closer to me. He looked beyond relieved.

Even when he was hurt he looked adorable.

I got the last glass piece out of his bones and picked Red up. He weighed nothing. Even too light for a skeleton.

Red cuddled closer to me and seemed to be fighting sleep. I sighed and teleported back to my room.

I carefully placed Red on my mattress, and looked over his wounds too see how I should heal him. His left arm was cracked and twisted up in the most painful like way, he had a huge crack on his skull, both of his legs seemed to have done a die, and his whole body was covered in bruises, and scratches.

I lightly lifted up his shirt enough to see his ribcage. I felt my face get hot. Red woke up by that and his whole face turned Red. The ribs were twisted, and cut. Some were even missing. I started to heal Red's bones.

Third person :3

Classic finished healing Red and sat down with him. He really wanted to kill Fell as much as he wanted to kill Frisk. He was furious that Red's brother would do this to him.

Classic's thoughts were interrupted when Red wrapped his arms around him. Classic froze up for a second or two when he returned the hug.

In the way Red was hugging Classic, Classic couldn't see his face, but he was shaking a little bit. Classic knew that Red probably was crying, so he gently rubbed circles on Red's spine to calm him down.

Classic was surprised that he wasn't sobbing, but for Red this probably was equivalent to sobs. Classic clanked the top of Red's head. Red's shaking calmed down a lot, and he gripped onto Classic's shirt harder.

"Th thanks for g getting me o out of there"

"It was nothing to go get you"

"i it was e everything to m me"

Red cuddled closer to Classic. They could feel each others soul beats.

They stayed like that for a couple minutes ,before Red and Classic clanked each other again.

Classic nuzzled Red who nuzzled back. "I'm just glad your ok"

They stayed together like that for an hour it was turning into the afternoon.

Red and Classic decided to watch some T.V. to kill time instead of going to Classic's post, since they both knew nothing would be there today.

They cuddled up close on the couch and watched a bunch of random movies. Eventually sleep started to kick into Red. He fell asleep on Classic's shoulder while being really close to him.

Classic turned blue, but clanked Red on his forehead and sleept aswell.

Papyrus came home to two adorable skeles, but he didn't remember Red from the other reset. Papyrus was confused on why they were cuddled together on the couch, but wrapped them up in a big blanket anyway.

Papyrus left them spaghetti before going up to his room to sleep too.

It won't be boring for long I promise :,3

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