Dr. 17

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The next day Classic and Red woke up confused. They both realized that there was a blanket on top of them, and that they were close to each other. Once they realized this both of them felt their faces go hot. They quickly sat up, and Classic out the blanket away. Papyrus came down soon after, and he giggled about how saw Red and Classic sleeping. Classic and Red went back at Papyrus's by saying puns. This started a little word war. Classic and Red were winning when Classic got a call from Alphys. She was asking why they weren't at her lab yet. Classic said a couple puns until she got irritated and hung up. Red Classic and Papyrus quickly scarfed down their spaghetti in order to not be late. Classic teleported the all to Alphys front door and knocked.
Scrambling noises could be heard from the other side before they were greeted by a nervous yellow dino. Alphys nervously beckoned them inside. Undyne stood in the house as well looming over the two pranksters. She kinda looked like she was trying to be less frightening to Red, but epicly failed at this and just made him more nervous. Red slightly his behind Classic, out of the way of the big fish lady. "C'mon punks! Let's check out what Alphys yas planned for you nerds!"

Undyne then made the mistake of touching Red's shoulder. Red looked horrified and quickly jumped back from Undyne's grip. All he felt was fear. Classic remembered that Red was afraid of being touched by any one but a few Sans's. He tried to calm Red down, which at first didn't seem to work. Eventually Red was calmed down and everything was normal again. Leaving a very confused Undyne staring at her hand and back at Red. Alphys was in a diffrent room while this happened, and came back to get Red.
Alphys wondered what happened to cause Undyne to look so confused.
"R Red is it o ok with you i if I check your s soul?" Asked Alphys still wondering why Undyne was so confused.
"S sure"
Alphys almost squealed in excitement she really wanted to figure out how two Sans's were possible.

She checked Red

L.V. 0
HP 1/1
*seems to only trust Sans's

"W wait...how m many Sans's are th there?"
"A bunch" replied Classic.
Alphys looked amazed. She quickly hooked Red, and Classic into a machine.
She was shocked with the results that showed up on a screen. Both of their souls had similar problems, seen better from the screen. There was abnormal parts that they both believed and felt, but they were so complex that even Alphys couldn't figure out what was wrong.
Red and Classic both looked over at Alphys wondering why she looked so surprised. Undyne and Papyrus walked over to see what was going on. Undyne and Papyrus were confused, but they got even more confuzzled when Alphys tried to explain it. Even Classic and Red were confused...at first.
They then realized it was probably because of how they were created, and their many problems that they would care not to share. Papyrus, Undyne, and Alphys started talking about something to do with the two Sans's. The two pranksters didn't really care what they were talking about and started punning away with each other saying many punny jokes.
Alphys happened to glance at the screen while the two skeles where talking and saw a huge change in their souls. She quickly saved it to her computer in order to study what their souls were doing just incase the change was bad.

Eventually Undyne and Papyrus went to go "train" leaving the two skeles with Alphys. Alphys unplugged them from the machine, so they could all watch anime.
The anime she chose didn't make sense to Classic one bit, but Red seemed to like it. Alphys was mostly on her computer trying to figure out why their souls had changed that drastically. After most of the first season had been gone through Alphys gave it a break and watched the show. She kept switching shows after Classic and Red lost interest in them. Alphys watched some other show while Classic and Red puned away. Alphys happened to glance over at the two, and she saw how happy the both seemed. In almost all of her time knowing Sans she has never seen him look that happy for that long. His face was blue which Alphys thought was strange and tried to figure out why, until she looked more at Red. His face was slightly red which Alphys ,from many hours of watching anime, realized they were both slightly blushing.

She had never really thought about who Classic's soulmate would be since it felt like he wouldn't have one. But Classic showing interest in anyone was never seen. This was interesting for Alphys.
Out of curiosity she typed some things on her computer and it confirmed her suspicion. Her ship was basically sailing!

Eventually Papyrus and Undyne came back since it was getting late, and they should all go home. Classic, Red, and Papyrus said goodbye and walked outside. Classic teleported them home. Papyrus was talking excitedly about his training with Undyne. He was blabbing something about spaghetti which Red couldn't connect to training. Red shrugged it off. All the skeletons ate spaghetti, and got ready for the bedtime story. This time Classic once again read about a fluffy bunny. Papyrus took longer to fall asleep than last time. Once he did fall asleep Classic and Red walked into their place to sleep. They sat on Classic's mattress and told each other jokes, always hoping they'd make the other laugh.
After an hour the two of them started to fall asleep. Classic almost drifted off when he went to full attention since he felt something suddenly pressed lightly against his arm. Classic looked to the side to see Red leaning on his arm, and gripping Classic's shirt's sleeve.

Classic felt happy as he looked at Red. With his half asleep mind Classic clanked the top of Red's forehead, and then he nuzzled closer to his friend. Their breathe was starting to fall in sync as Classic slowly drifted into a dreamless sleep.


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