six thingy mabobs for this big stuff thing

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Classic helped Red stand up as everyone clapped. Classic looked slightly startled, but made another pun which made everyone laugh. Nobody saw what had happened inside of Red's head except for Classic and Red, but Classic Papyrus had a strange feeling about what just happened. He liked that feeling. It felt like things were going to get better for something. Papyrus wasn't sure what was going to get better, but it felt like something good. Red was still confused about the feeling in his his soul. Red tried to shrug it off, but it stayed. The feeling didn't feel bad, just different. Classic was feeling the same thing, and he was just as confuzzeled as Red. Classic was able to shrug it off better though. Soon everyone went back to enjoying the party. Classic somehow got himself in a duel with Error to see who could chug the most ketchup.
Classic won... by a lot actually. To the point where it was terrifying. Red ate some food then threw up since he had not eaten in a month, and was not used to eating too much. This escalated into a food war Sans's versus Papyrus's. At the end of it nobody could tell who won. Everyone looked like they jumped into a bowl of multicolored mashed potatoes. They all started eating the food off of themselves. Red did then threw up again, so he proceeded to shake himself like a dog would. Food flew from him like unlimited grenades. Anyone who was almost cleaned looked like a mess again and had to start all over. Blueberry ran around trying to help people get cleaned up. He ended up sitting on Dust's lap cleaning himself again.
After the mess was cleared a skeleton of people played twister, which most Sans's couldn't play that well since they are smoll beanz. After playing that 'hard' game they tried a memory game. In this one most of the Sans could remember everything. Most of the Papyrus were not the greatest at this game. Somebody put on a cute movie about robots and fat humans. Classic loves science fiction, and this had space, robots, the future..., and...well even the robot found someone to love. Many of the other Sans's enjoyed the movie aswell. Some Papyrus's too. "ARE ALL HIMANS THAT BIG?" asked Classic Papyrus.
A skeleton of them cracked up at this. Classic Papyrus the pure one forever even for saying fat Humans from Wall-E.

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