Chapter 8

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You were lying down on the bed, staring at the ceiling, bored as fuck. They took your phone, so you couldn't even call Yeri or the police. You were worried about Yeri. The girl can't even cook. She's probably surviving on take-out and instant ramen right now.

You sigh, glancing at the pretty expensive-looking clock on the wall. At least the room they locked you up in was nice. You wondered who chose the interiors; they have good taste. The bed was comfy, there was an air conditioner and a heater, the bathroom had a tub and all required toiletries.

This was far from the kidnappings you've seen in movies; you were glad you weren't in some small, dusty room, sleeping on the cold dirty floor.

You heard the door unlocking, pulling you out of your thoughts; Seonghwa entered the room, placing a bowl of bibimbap next to you on the bed. "Eat," he said softly, feeling pity for you. "You haven't eaten in two days."

"No," you protested. "I'd rather starve, thanks."

He knew you'd say that since you said that yesterday when he tried to give you something to eat.

He was about to leave when someone pushed passed him, barging into the room.

"Y/N!" The girl yelled and pounced on you, crushing you in a tight hug. You pushed her off. "Who are you?" you say a little too harshly.

The girl's eyes widened. "W-What? Don't you know me? I'm your—"

"That's not Y/N, Heejin," Jongho said, entering the room.

"I think I know my bestfriend better," she spat, giving him a cold look.

"Babe, she's not—"

"Y/N, I missed you so much!" Heejin said, turning towards you and ignoring her boyfriend who just sighed.

Seonghwa took Jongho by his arm and left to give you both some privacy.

"Um, I'm sorry, but I really don't know who you are," you said, biting your lip nervously. You didn't want to hurt her feelings, she seemed so nice.

"That's okay, we'll... get to know each other again," Heejin said with a bright smile, although she was hurt and you could clearly see it. You felt really bad, but you smiled back; at least someone was being friendly to you in this house.

"Here," she handed you the warm bowl of Bibimbap that Seonghwa left for you. "I heard you didn't eat anything."

"I don't feel like eating," you lie. The Bibimbap smelled amazing and your mouth watered at the sight of it. "I don't have the appetite to eat."

"Please, eat," she said with a cute pout. "For me."

You sigh, not able to say no to her, and took a spoonful of the rice, shoving it into your mouth. Soon one spoon became two, two became three, and in hardly a few minutes, you finished the entire thing. You really were starving.

"See, I knew you were hungry!" she said with a chuckle. "I got you some new clothes to wear. We're gonna watch a movie in the living room. I won't let you stay locked in here."

"Thanks," you grin. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Y/N," she replies.

"Do you really believe that I'm the Y/N you knew?"

"Yes," she says, "I know the boys don't, but they're all being really stupid. Well, except Seonghwa."

"Oh, okay. Also, who is the girl who slapped me?"

"That was Doyeon. She's... San's girlfriend," she states hesitantly, as if it was something she didn't want to tell you.

"Okay," you say nonchalantly. You noticed that she gave you an apologetic look, but you decided not to question her further.


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