Chapter 21

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You smiled at everyone once you got back home in Seoul. You were so happy that you got your memories back.

You remembered everything that happened these last four years.

Every single detail.

"You look so happy, Y/N," Mingi states, raising an eyebrow. "Who did you meet at the wedding?"

"I didn't meet anyone," you answer honestly, "I'm just feeling so happy right now."

You didn't tell anyone that you got your memories back. You knew something, and you were going to get evidence for it before you reveal that you've got your memories back.

You happily conversed with Yeri, Heejin, and the boys (except San) for a while. You missed them so much. No one changed much, except San. He was quieter now, barely even smiling.

You smile faltered once you saw Doyeon approaching San and pecking his lips. He gave her a small smile which made your heart feel like it just got stabbed.

It pained you to see San with someone else. You didn't expect him to move on with his fucked up ex-girlfriend of all people.

Did he still love you? Or is he in love with her now? I mean, he did love her before. She was, in fact, his first girlfriend and first love.

He loved her before you.

But he was still wearing his promise ring-the one you both bought together on your first anniversary.

"Why are you staring at me, bitch?" Doyeon asks you, raising an eyebrow. Everyone's attention was now on you.

"Just wondering how long it's gonna take for everyone to... nevermind," you smirk. You noticed her slight change in expression, like as if she knew exactly what you were talking about.

She clears her throat. "You belong in a mental asylum."

"Oh, really?" you raise an eyebrow. "You know, I've heard that sentence before."

She froze. "W-What do you mean?"

You just chuckle, before looking at the rest of your family. Everyone looked so confused, it was actually kinda cute.

"Goodnight guys," you say with a smile. You glance at San before making your way to your bedroom.


You woke up around 4AM, feeling quite thirsty. You decided to make yourself a cup of coffee, knowing that you won't fall asleep again since you already woke up.

You were surprised to find San in the kitchen, munching on some seaweed crisps while scrolling through his phone.

"Can't sleep?" you ask softly.

"No," he answers, not looking up from his phone. "I'm an insomniac."

You felt bad for him. As a teenager, he suffered from insomnia. After you both started dating and shared the same room, he started to sleep properly and so peacefully with you in his arms.

"When... was the last time you got a night of proper sleep?" you ask hesitantly.

"Twenty one months ago," he sighs, making your heart sink.

Twenty one months. It's been that long since your accident and he hasn't even slept properly.

You wanted to kiss his soft lips and run your hands through his hair, just the way he likes it. It used to make him feel so calm and relaxed.

You shake your thoughts off before taking a mug from the cabinet. You scroll through your phone while leaning your back against the counter, waiting for you coffee to finish brewing.

You felt San approach you, but you didn't look up until his face was just a few inches away from yours.


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