Chapter 20

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"Y/N, where are you?" Yeri asks sleepily over the phone. You knew she just woke up; it was nearly nine in the morning, after all.

"I'm near Jirisan," you answer while driving, "Your dad let me borrow his range rover."

"Why didn't you tell me that you're going?"

"I just decided it like, three hours ago."

"Well, you shouldn't have gone alone, Y/N," she scolds, "When will you come back?"

"By afternoon," you say. "Our flight is tonight, right?"

"Yes, at ten. So make sure you're back before six," she says, sounding like a mother. "There's gonna be a lot of traffic on the way to the airport."

"Alright, mom!" you tease. "Bye, Yeri!"

"Bye, Y/N!"

You continue to drive along the mountain roads before stopping at a small resthouse and restaurant. There were a couple of people there, all geared up for hiking the mountain trails.

You went inside the small restaurant, ordering a cup of milk tea while you watched the beautiful scenery of Jirisan.

After you drank your tea, you drove all the way to the top where the last stretch of road was. You stopped at a small observatory—if you could call it that. It was a small projected area with only two stone benches, clearly made for the purpose of taking a break and admiring the breathtaking view.

There was no one there except for you, and you didn't mind; that's pretty much why you came here in the first place.

You needed a small break from everything and you wanted to drive around the area where you almost died. This was the area where you were saved and given another chance to live.

You took a few pictures of the spectacular scenery, before making your way to you car.

Once you entered your car, you felt a sharp pain in your head.

"Do whatever the fuck you want with me, but just let them go," you say.

"No! Y/N, no!" San yelled, struggling against the men that held him back tightly. He was shot in the leg, so it was an advantage to them.

Everyone in Ateez was captured and disarmed. You were currently at the very edge of a small cliff; one of the men had you in a tight grasp.

One step backwards and you'll fall to your death.

"Let her go, Suyeon! You'll get what you wanted," Hongjoong growled at the girl who had her gun pointed at your head.

Suyeon laughed loudly, walking towards Hongjoong. "Do you think I'll fall for your stupid words? You aren't going to give me anything, Kim Hongjoong. You'll find a way to kill me before I can even get what I want."

Suddenly, Suyeon turned around and pointed her gun at you. "Goodbye, Kang Y/N. I hope to see you again in hell."

And she shot you.




"Y/N, NO!" San yelled at the top of his lungs, watching you fall off the cliff. Hot tears were streaming down his and everyone's faces.

"You fucking bitch!" Yeosang yelled at Suyeon. "Hope you fucking rot in hell."

She shot Yeosang in the abdomen. "Hope you bleed to death. You'll be able to join your sister in hell."

Even after the flashback ended, your head didn't stop paining. You clutched your head tightly, tears streaming down your face.

In a few seconds, everything went black.


You woke up to sound of someone knocking on your car's window. There was a couple who seemed to be in their early thirties.

You quickly rolled your window down. "We're sorry to disturb you Miss," the man said. "We were concerned that you might have been in an accident since you didn't move when we honked."

"Oh, I'm so sorry," you apologize, "I accidentally fell asleep."

"It's no problem," the woman said politely, although she gave you a weird look. The couple bow to you before going to their own car. You check the time on your phone and groan when you calculate how long you've been asleep for. Three whole hours.

You were just about to start your car when you realized something...

You got your memories back.


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