A Walk Through The Woods

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(A/n): {Finally! A new series to write about! It took me awhile to find a series I really liked until now... And Atlus owns the characters! I only own the plot!!}

{~(Y/n's) POV.~}

I sighed as I was currently walking through the woods. I always did this at night, since it was so quiet and peaceful. Especially on a full moon night--much like tonight. I smiled as I saw the full moon peek through the forest trees at me.

It was a rather cool night. There was a small chill in the air. It made me feel like I wasn't alone. I ignored my gut telling me that there was someone with me on that lonely night. At least, that's what I did until I heard a rustle in a tree near me.

I looked up quickly only to see an owl fly away with a small hoot. I sighed in relief upon seeing it. Guess I'm more scared than I first thought... I chuckled at my childish actions.

"I'm not a kid anymore. Even if I AM only eighteen. I'm still old enough to where I shouldn't be acting like a child." I thought with a sigh. I looked ahead. It seemed that the forest got slightly darker the further in I went. I looked around in awe, surprised that the moonlight lit up so much.

{~Akira's POV.~}

I heard some noise, and thought I'd go see what it was. I warped from tree to tree to get there quickly. I saw that same (girl/boy) from the other night...

"(Her/him) again...? I wonder what keeps drawing (her/him) back... I'm surprised that (she/he) isn't scared like most people. Should I go greet (her/him)...? No. I shouldn't. It would probably be too weird, and sudden. But... Hmm. I'll wait, and decide in due time." I thought as I kept a close eye on (her/him). I stayed close enough to hear (her/him) in case (she/he) said anything, but far enough away that (she/he) wouldn't see me.

I looked in the direction (she/he) was walking in with a gasp. I could sense a Demon nearby... I quickly warped near the small opening that (girl/boy) was walking in. I sighed, and decided to show myself to (her/him).

"Here goes nothing..."

{~(Y/n's) POV.~}

I looked around at the trees. I liked walking in the woods, because it helped me relieve stress from daily affairs. I heard a noise. This time it sounded like footsteps. I got prepared for whatever it may be. It was... A boy?

He looked over at me with a sweet smile. It threw me off guard... He looked alluring, kind, and innocent. The moonlight gave his smile a certain charm.

His eyes seemed to shine a particular bright red, and his jet-black curly hair shined in the moonlight like a candle in the pitch black of night. His old looking red clothes caught my attention. They looked like they were from centuries ago. His black pants looked dirty and torn a bit at the seams. His boots were pitch black, but looked rather, uh... worn. Could he not find anything better for clothing?

I found myself smiling back at him. He walked towards me--his footsteps were graceful, yet intimidating at the same time. Once he stood about six feet from me, he spoke.

"Hello. I didn't know that there was anyone else walking in these woods. Oh, you seemed to be lost in thought... I'm sorry if I may have startled you." His voice was as light as air--like he didn't want to scare me--but it had a slight deep cut to it, making it sound stern. It made him even more charming in my opinion.

"Well, I didn't know anyone else was here either... a-and you didn't scare me! S-so, you don't need to apologize!" I stuttered out. What was wrong with me all of a sudden...? Why did I become a stuttering mess? I had never done that until now...

"If you say so. Oh. I almost forgot to introduce myself! My name's Akira Kurusu." He said, with a smile and slight bow. He definitely had more manners, and was more polite than most people I'd ever met.

"Oh, my name's (F/n) (L/n). It's nice to meet you, Kurusu-kun." I said. He chuckled.

"It's been awhile since anyone has called me that..." I heard him mutter something, but I couldn't make out exactly what. Just as I was about to ask what he said, he cut me off.

"It's nice to meet you too, (L/n)-(kun/chan). I was wondering... what are you doing out here at night?" He asked. I looked up at the moon with a smile.

"It's so peaceful here at night, why wouldn't I be here...?" I asked as I looked back at him.

"Well, I can understand your reasoning, but... Don't you know that Demons hide in these woods?" He said. I raised a brow.

"But I thought all of the Demons were killed by Demon Slayers long ago... You're telling me that Demons still exist!?" I exclaimed. He nodded.

"Yes. I've had my fair share of run-ins with them recently... Have they never tried to harm you before?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No. Because I've never come face-to-face with one before!" I said. He sighed.

"I see. Well, I'm sure you want it to stay that way. So, next time you visit these woods--come prepared. As long as I'm with you though, I'll be able to help you if you're ever in danger. Understood?" He said. I nodded.

"Yes. I understand." I said. He nodded.

"Good. Now, it's getting late. I'd say it's around..." He looked up at the moon.

"Twelve o'clock." He said. I gasped.

"That late!?" I exclaimed. Then I looked at my watch to make sure, and he was right! He chuckled.

"Was I right?" He asked after seeing my reaction. I nodded slowly.

"Yeah. You were... How could you tell?" I asked.

"The position of the Moon told me all I needed to know." He said. I nodded.

"Oh, cool. It'd be helpful if I could do that too... Then I'd have no need for a watch." I said. He nodded.

"True... Maybe I can teach you sometime soon. For now, you should head home." He said. I nodded.

"Yeah... I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked. He smiled, and nodded.

"Yeah. I'll be here. I'll see you tomorrow, (L/n)-(kun/chan)." He said. I smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Kurusu-kun!" I said while running out of the woods.

"Sojiro is gonna kill me!!"

(A/n): {Aight. Chapter one is done! Time to get on chapter two-}

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