A Demon And Their New Chapter

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(A/n): {Let's continue! I'm so pumped!!}

{~Akira's POV.~}

{°•That Night!°•}

I sighed. I was sitting in my room, looking out the window at the moon. I asked (Y/n) to come talk to me before (she/he) went to bed. There was something I wanted to talk to (her/him) about. I heard a knock at the door. I got up and walked towards the door then opened it. (Y/n) greeted me on the other side with a small smile.

"Hey. So, what did you want to talk about, Akira?" (Y/n) asked as (she/he) walked into my room. I shut the door behind myself before I looked at (her/him). The only light in my room came from the moonlight shining through the window. (Y/n's) silhouette came to a halt in front of me before turning around towards me. I sighed.

"Well...it's about when you kept your true intentions a secret from me. Why did you do that?" I asked. (Y/n) looked down.

"I guess I never explained myself, did I...? Well, I did it to earn your trust quickly. I knew you were a Demon from the start. I knew about your existence from the first day I set foot into that forest you called home. I didn't want to talk about Demons with you so openly. Because I knew that you'd only see me as a threat once it became obvious that I knew far more about Demons than any common villager. I knew that you would probably be smart enough to figure out that I had some connection to Demon Slayers if I did. So, I covered it up by playing dumb... I'm sorry that I did that to you. You probably don't necessarily trust me anymore, do you?" (Y/n) asked, looking guilty.

"I still trust you. I just wanted to hear your side of it, is all. You really don't need to apologize." I said. (Y/n) let out a sigh.

"That's a relief! I thought you'd be upset about it... That wouldn't have been a good start." (Y/n) said. I nodded.

"I can understand your reasoning. For now... It's getting late. So...goodnight, (Y/n)." I said. (Y/n) nodded.

"Yeah...it is getting late. Goodnight, Akira. I'll see you tomorrow morning. You'd better get up on your own!" (Y/n) said before leaving the room. I sighed as I shut the door behind (her/him). I walked over to my bed and sat down on the edge of it with a sigh.

"Maybe I should go to sleep now. I'm going to have to get up early, anyway." I thought as I laid down on my back and looked up at the ceiling.

"I wonder what we'll do tomorrow..." I thought as I closed my eyes.

{°•The Next Morning!°•}

{~Akira's POV.~}

I got woken up by (Y/n) yet again. The only good thing about it was that this time (she/he) woke me up by nudging me. Which I much more preferred compared to waking up on the floor with a headache. Once we arrived at the D.S.A. Base, I looked over at (Y/n).

"So, what are we going to do today?" I asked (Y/n) as we walked down the hall of the D.S.A. Base towards the Training Grounds. (She/he) chuckled.

"We'll be taking care of a Demon that's been spotted in the Jingoku Forest." (Y/n) said. I nodded.

"Okay. So, that means that today will be my first day as the new Second-in-Command, huh?" I asked. (Y/n) nodded.

"Yep! I hope you impress me, along with everyone else." (Y/n) said with a smile. I chuckled.

"I'll make sure to do my best then." I said. (Y/n) chuckled.

"Now that's what I want to hear! I'm kind of surprised at how serious you are about all of this." (Y/n) said. I smiled.

"Well, it feels wrong not to be. Plus, you're helping me live a normal life, even as a Demon. Which I never thought was possible..." I said.

"Well, you don't need to worry about that kinda thing anymore! Let's focus more on the task at hand for now. I mean, we are at the Training Ground's door already..." (Y/n) said.

"I didn't even notice..." I mumbled. (Y/n) chuckled as (she/he) opened the door.

"I was like that when I was a new face around here, too!" (Y/n) said before walking towards the Demon Slayers with a serious look on (her/his) face. It was weird how quickly (she/he) could change (her/his) personality... I looked over at the Demon Slayers who were all lined up in front of (Y/n). I walked over to (Y/n's) side and kept quiet.

"I'm glad you're all ready for your next mission! I'll go ahead and inform you all. There has been a report by a villager in Osaka Village who says they spotted a Demon in Jingoku Forest. They immediately reported their sighting once they got back home. The other villagers already know about it and have apparently seen it as well. It's our job to put the villager's worries at ease by getting rid of this foul beast before it gets out of hand and hurts someone, or even worse... So, on that note, Akira will be going with you to back you all up with this one. He will be your Commander for this specific mission. So, remember: What he says, goes. That's final. Now, you are all dismissed!" (Y/n) said in a stern way. I looked at each of the Demon Slayers. A lot of them glared at me, or ignored me. Ren was the only one that walked up to me and saluted me.

"What's your first call, Commander Akira!?" Ren asked. The other Demon Slayers whispered amongst themselves. I ignored their whispers and smiled at Ren.

"We'll be heading to Jingoku Forest ASAP if you're all prepared and ready for our departure!" I said. The other Demon Slayers saluted to me.

"We're all ready if you are, Commander Akira!" Mishima said. I nodded.

"Then let's head for Jingoku Forest!" I said as I led the way, and they all followed me.

"I guess this is a new chapter... My new chapter as the Second-in-Command."

(A/n): {I'm actually really motivated to write more. It's funny, 'cuz I think this will be my longest fanfic yet. I think that's actually why I'm so motivated...}

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