A Demon And A Human's Bond

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(A/n): {I'm enjoying this story so far... I hope you are, too!}

{~Akira's POV.~}

I sighed with a smile as I looked at all of the people in the village talk to each other with happy smiles. I happened to overhear a nearby conversation as I followed (Y/n).

"Have you heard about the Demon Hunter?" A young girl asked a boy that seemed to be around her age. The boy shook his head.

"No. What's it about? I thought Demon Slayers already existed though..." The boy said. The girl scoffed.

"Yes. Demon Slayers are a thing, but the "Demon Hunter" is a guy that goes by the name Goro Akechi. He's really cool and popular! Apparently, he was with the D.S.A. at one point, but he quit and became the Demon Hunter. He's usually called "The Hunter" since he's known for killing insanely strong Demons!" The girl borderline fangirled over "The Hunter". The boy looked annoyed by that fact.

"Hmph! I'm better than him though! If I really wanted to, I could kick his ass!" The boy said confidently. The girl scoffed.

"Maybe you can beat a bug, but not The Hunter..." The girl stated. The boy gasped and looked embarrassed.

"Th-that's not true!!" The boy said before both him and the girl started borderline arguing. I decided to stop listening at that point. (Y/n) looked back at me with a smile.

"Let's get going. I already have a place arranged for you to stay, too! You'll be staying with me at the Leblanc Inn! The owner knows how to make a great cup of coffee, too! He said it's because he used to run a Café. Either way, it's a bonus! His name is Sojiro Sakura, remember that. I technically live there with him, well to be more specific, he took me in since I have no family to lean on for that kind of thing... Now, let's go give him a visit!" (Y/n) said while dragging me to the Inn. An old woman stopped us on the way there. She seemed to be heading home for the night, since it was getting late.

"Oh! (Y/n) is that a friend of yours? I can't say I've seen him before..." She said. (Y/n) smiled.

"Yes. His name is Akira Kurusu." (Y/n) said. The old woman smiled.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you, Kurusu-kun! My name's Tesi." Tesi said. I smiled.

"It's nice to meet you too, Tesi-san. If you'll excuse us, we have to get somewhere right now. I'm sorry to cut our conversation short." I said with a bow. She smiled.

"What a kind boy you are! The other men around here could learn a thing or two from you." Tesi said with a smile. I chuckled.

"I'll see if I can teach them anything then. Take care, Tesi-san!" I said as I walked away. (Y/n) seemed surprised.

"Take care as well, Akira!" She said with a smile as she waved goodbye.

"You got along well with her even though you just met her... It took me forever to get to a casual level with Tesi-san! Did you cheat somehow!?" (Y/n) asked. I laughed.

"I'm just skilled in more ways than one." I said with a wink. (Y/n) looked at me seriously.

"I'm not buying it..." (Y/n) said.

A Demon's Despair... {Akira Kurusu x Reader!}Where stories live. Discover now