A Demon's Worry

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(A/n): {I can't think of anything for A/n's now, so... Let's go!}

{~Akira's POV.~}

I finally got up on my own. It was later than the usual time (Y/n) would wake me up. Which made me think of something...why didn't (Y/n) wake me up? (She/he) is always on top of it and (she/he) would have told me if it was a day off, or something important like that. I went downstairs to see if (she/he) was down there. Once I got there, I walked towards Sojiro once I didn't see (Y/n).

"Oh. Hey...what's with that look?" Sojiro asked.

"Do you know where (Y/n) is...?" I asked. Sojiro sighed.

"(She/he) got called to the D.S.A. Base for something urgent. At this rate, I'd say (she'll/he'll) end up overworking (herself/himself) like always..." Sojiro said. I looked down.

"(Y/n) overworks (herself/himself) often...?" I asked. Sojiro chuckled.

"Often is an understatement at this point." Sojiro said. I looked down.

"It's because of (her/his) position that (she/he) does that..." I thought with a sigh. Sojiro chuckled.

"Are you that worried about (her/him)...?" Sojiro asked. I snapped back to reality when he said that.

"A-as a friend, just so we're clear!" I said without thinking. Sojiro shook his head.

"I didn't think you were more than friends..." Sojiro said. I chuckled awkwardly.

"O-of course you didn't! That was a joke! I was kidding! Hahahaha!" I said. Sojiro looked at me concerned.

"Okay..." Sojiro said. I decided to just leave after that. I had to look for (Y/n)! Yeah...I swear that definitely wasn't an excuse to leave because I felt way too awkward. Sojiro stopped me before I opened the door.

"About (Y/n)... Well, to put it bluntly... Sometimes (she/he) struggles to breathe. It's because of a breathing problem (she/he) has had since birth. (Y/n) prefers to keep this kind of stuff to (herself/himself), so others won't worry about (her/him). But, what I'm saying here is... Make sure (she/he) doesn't push (herself/himself) too much." Sojiro said. I could sense the worry in his words. I smiled.

"I'll make sure (she's/he's) okay, and I won't leave (her/his) side. I promise."

{°•At The D.S.A. Base!°•}

{~Akira's POV.~}

I was looking around for (Y/n). What Sojiro told me earlier made me worried about (her/him).

"Where could (she/he) be!?" I thought. As I was walking down the hall at a fast pace, Ren stopped me.

"Why do you look so worried? Is it something urgent?" Ren asked.

"Well... It's about (Y/n). Do you know where (she/he) is?" I asked. Ren nodded.

"Uh, yeah. (She's/he's) currently heading to a fight with a pretty strong Demon. (Y/n) said (she/he) could handle it on (her/his) own...so we didn't protest." Ren said. I felt my stomach sink.

A Demon's Despair... {Akira Kurusu x Reader!}Where stories live. Discover now