A Demon's Cursed Past (Part 1)

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(A/n): {Chapter two, yay! It's time to yeet it at ya.}

{~Akira's POV.~}

I was thinking about when (Y/n) brought up Demon Slayers... The very same people that killed my only friend who was a Demon--Ryuji.

I can remember that day so vividly, along with everything that led up to it...


{~Akira's POV.~}

I glared at Ryuji. He was currently trying to force me to eat some human flesh. Why, you may ask? Well, isn't it obvious...?

I'm a Demon.

I need it to survive. I can live for a while without it, but a time comes when it's been too long, and I start to die a slow, painful death. Ryuji didn't want me to die, so he was trying to force me to eat it. I'll admit that my urge to eat human flesh was starting to win against my sensible side. I unwillingly gave into the urge eventually. It was too strong to fight against sometimes...

Ryuji was actually happy that I threw away my promise to not eat human flesh for once in my life. I know he cared about my well-being, and that's why he insisted on killing the human for me as long as I ate it.

As much as I hated the fact that I needed to eat human flesh to survive... I just had to do it. Afterwards, I felt disgusted with myself. I hated this. Sometimes I wished I wasn't a Demon, and that I could live a normal life. But wishing for a life like that now was pointless...

I could sense something-... No. Someone.

"Ryuji... I can sense humans coming our way. Two of them, to be exact." I said. Ryuji looked at me wide-eyed.

"Really!? Then that means--do ya think they're Demon Slayers!?" He asked, obvious fear showing in his voice. I sighed.

"There's no telling for sure until they arrive. We'll have to wait and see. Just be mindful that if they are Demon Slayers...you shouldn't face them head-on. Be cautious." I said. He nodded.

"Got it!" He said. I got ready for a possible fight. Ryuji immediately ran ahead.

"I'll go check and keep my distance! I'll come back to warn you if they really are Demon Slayers!" Ryuji said. I reached out for him.

"Wait! Ryuji, make sure you're careful!" I said. He was already gone. I had a bad gut feeling about this...but, he'll be fine. Right?

"I should go after him!" I thought as I got ready to follow Ryuji. But...

"Don't go, Master!" I heard a girl's voice say. I looked around and saw no one.

"Who are you...? And what do you mean, 'Master'!?" I said.

"You will know who I am in due time. But all of that isn't important right now. Master Akira, please don't go after your friend, Ryuji. I know you want to, but it's for your own safety. I beg of you...don't go!" The girl's voice pleaded. I still didn't see anyone. So, I shook my head.

A Demon's Despair... {Akira Kurusu x Reader!}Where stories live. Discover now