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A\N Welcome back! I told y'all it wasn't over. Just a reminder. You need to read book 1 (Coco) to understand what's going on in this book. Enjoy!

"So, what's your name anyways?" I ask. "I mean, we're friends aren't we? You know my name, so what's yours?"

"Seriously, you don't know?" he laughs.

"Am I suppose to?"

"Everyone calls me by real name. Chain is just some stupid nickname I got when I was reckless and young, now I just use it as my war name."

"Oh, I didn't know that. I'm still new here, haha."

"Patyn Long"

Such an odd name..

"Patyn?" I ask.

"No, Pa-tyn," he clarifies. "Pa like pat without the 't', Tyn pronounced ten. Pa-tyn, but you can call me Pat if you'd like."


Reunited; Kimi

I was blinded by what I thought was love, but was actually lust and infatuation. Even at the age of 15 I knew there was something wrong with him, but I chose to ignore the signs. I thought he was so cute, and I blamed myself every time he would get upset with me. I often made excuses for him. I convinced myself that I had a good thing. And if I wanted it to last, then I need to do better and "mature," despite me being a 15 year old girl who had no mother and no idea what I was doing with my life.

...Boy was I wrong. I never realized how insecure I was at that age. I let a guy be mean to me, let him tell me what I should and shouldn't think, I let him control every aspect of my life. He tried to slowly shape me and convince me that the Fire Nation was the superior nation, and the other nations should bow to us. He believed Firelord Ozai was god! I can't believe I didn't see it, that I let myself be blinded and ignorant. It was my duty to stand up for those nations affected because of us, the Fire Nation, but I didn't. I let everyone down. I was so busy judging Zuko for his decisions, when it was Patyn all along who was the bad guy.

Our relationship, Patyn and I, it seemed perfect, but behind close doors? Well.. I should've seen this coming. I should've, but I didn't. I should've done more when he scarred me. Back in Ba Sing Se, I was going to kill him. For a moment I was going to, but I didn't. I should have. I know I'm an airbender, but now that Patyn has escaped prison, he's going to try to stop everything I have planned for the Air Nation. Aang and I have been working so hard. I can't just let Patyn undo everything we've been working on!

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

I turn to Zuko who's sitting in the main chair in our "war" room. War room... That's funny. This room is used for everything but war. It's weird, we usually use this place for meetings. Meeting that'll cause healing and change to the Fire Nation, not destruction and chaos.

"Oh, um, it's nothing. Just a little sleepy I guess."

I try to play it off with a smile, but I know Zuko can see right through me. Can you blame me? This is all my fault. Zuko hated me with Patyn, but I was too stubborn to listen to him, I can't help but feel like this.

"I know you, Kimi. What's really going on?" He asks.

"I'm.. I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. You told me not to get involved with him and I should've listened to you. You saw that he wasn't a good guy, but I was too stubborn to listen."

I wipe a stray tear from my eye. I feel incredibly guilty, and I should've never gotten with him. I am so stupid!

"No, no, no. Don't sit here and blame yourself," he says to me. "This would have happened no matter what. Long has always been a follower of my father- Oh, and back then, I didn't want you dating him not because I had a bad feeling about him, but because I was just jealous you liked him and not me," he admits with a shrug.

I let out a small laugh. Zuko always knows how to make me feel better.

"If you're going to blame yourself, then you have to blame me, too. I should've seen the signs," he tells me. "He's worked for me for years before you came along."

I wrap my arms around him in a hug and I let it linger. I sigh. I just wish this wasn't happening. I knew after Ozai was defeated, the road ahead of us wouldn't be easy. Zuko said it himself, but I never thought in a million years that Patyn, my ex boyfriend from when I was FIFTEEN, would cause so much trouble today. We didn't even date that long!


I turn to see Sokka with a yuck face, his arms crossed in front of his chest, and Suki by his side who's gushing at us.

"Sokkaaaa..." I groan.

"Don't Sokka me, you two are disgusting!"

"Leave them alone, I think they're cute," Suki gushes.

"Yeah, yeah," I say as I fan Sokka away. "So where is everyone else?"

"Right here," Aang says with a smile as he, Katara, and Toph walk in the room.

"Ugh, Kimi! I am so sorry that you and Zuko didn't get to enjoy your honeymoon!" Katara says as she wraps me in a hug.

"Yeah, and the fact it's because of your ex-boyfriend!" Toph exclaims.

"Toph, don't remind her!" Katara scolds.

"No! I'm fine, really. We are going to find him and handle this. I mean, is it super inconvenient that I have to deal with my ex from when I was teenager instead of being on a tropical island getting served fire smoothies and enjoying the sunset with my husband? Yes.. And I can't wait to see him and punch him in his stupid head! Out of all the days to break out of prison and cause mass panic, he chose my wedding night?!"

Ok, maybe I'm not fine.

I can feel Zuko gently rubbing my arm with his thumb, gently against my skin trying to calm me down.

"Don't worry, Kimi. The moment we find him, I'll take his bending away for good," Aang says strongly.

"Thanks, Aang," I say with a smile.

"So, team," Zuko calls our attention. "We need a plan."


Kimi (ATLA) (Coco; Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now