Chapter 8

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File: Interrupted_Transmission

Master: alright…so what about the update?
Worker: yes… is still in the planning stage.
Master: only in the planning stage?
Worker: yes…it is very hard to get all the mechanisms all planned out…we are not sure if it is even possible..
Master: are you questioning me?!
Worker: no! That’s not what I mean! I’m just saying that the machine is very hard and complicated… It is taking a lot of time even to think of how it would function.
Master: I don’t care how long it takes; 1, 3, 10 years?! I want it done! 
Worker: y-yes sir!
Master: -rubs hands evilly- Omega won’t even see this coming..
Worker: y-yes sir…
Master: Well, get back to work!
Worker: -nods and scurries off-

Master: dear Notch..what are they up to this time..? –sighs heavily- I’ll need to have 1337304 intercept more transmissions…

((Admin: Sorry for the short chapter ^^;))

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