07. The Twins

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Breakfast was busy. People rushing around everywhere. Caden and Nat were sat curled up together talking quietly. Caden had told Iris last night she was teaching him Russian. She smiled. Bucky was helping Jamie with cereal and getting slowly more and more flustered as more mess spread around the floor.

Steve saw his opportunity as Iris was alone washing some bowls. "Hey." He said leaning against the counter beside her. She smiled.

"Hey, how are you?" She asked drying her hands to hug him quickly. He returned the gesture.

"I'm alright. How was your night?" Iris shrugged.

"Normal I guess. Nightmares." Steve smiled sympathetically. "Are you sure your okay? You look nervous." She stated. She followed his eye line over to Bucky. "Ah." She said with a smirk.

"I want to know....I've been...in denial as Tony put it. When we were young it was so frowned upon I...i didnt even let myself think about it. But now." Iris squealed throwing her arms around him. He caught her, supporting her weight easily. He chuckled softly.

"You should go for it. He so likes you back." She whispered. "I know it." Steve put her down gently.

"Really?" She nodded, and he couldn't detect a lie. "Maybe I will, after the mission."

"Mission?" Iris said with a frown. Steve nodded.

"Your coming right?" She nodded hesitantly. "Pepper said she'd watched the kids, if you want?" As if on cue a pretty women with soft red hair walked in. She was smartly dressed and looked very kind. Tony jumped up and guided Pepper to Iris.

"Iris, this is Pepper my personal assistant and best friend. She's offered to watch the children while we're on missions. If you agree of course. She's very trust worthy, I promise." Pepper held out her hand. Iris shook it.

"Its a pleasure to meet you Iris. I've heard so much about you from the guys here." She glanced at the children. "Their beautiful arnt they?" Iris smiled.

"Oh they are. And a handful. Are you sure your up to it?" Pepper smiled softly.

"I'm sure your son will help with the little one. And I have a real soft spot for kids." Iris nodded.

"Well then thank you and good luck." Iris said with a laugh going to explain to her children what was going to happen. Tony watched her go, Pepper frowned but said nothing. Steve smiled when Bucky caught his eye, a hint of red crossing both their faces.

Caden nodded, giving a smile to Pepper, which she returned. Iris made her to Jamie and a flustered Bucky. "What a mess!" Iris teased. Jamie smirked. "Why don't we play a game?" She said picking her up. Jamie's hand twirled around her ring. "Let's see if you can clean all this up in five minutes. If you do you win a prize!" Jamie scrambled down and started cleaning. Bucky smiled.

"I have a lot to learn." He chuckled. Iris patted his shoulder.

"Its practise." She replied happily. Tony whistled loudly to get everyone's attention.

"Come on team. Suit up we have briefing." Iris kissed Jamie's head.

"I'll tell Pepper to give you your prize." She said grinning. "She's going to look after you while I go out for a while." Jamie shrugged. Iris stood up and walked towards Pepper. "If she cleans all that up, give her some sweets or something." Pepper nodded.

Iris thanked her again, and dodged past her. She jumped on Steve's back as he walked out. He laughed as she dropped into step with him. "So how you gon---" Bucky pulled her pony tail. "Hey!" She said happily.

"Hey doll," he said softly. "You nervous about leaving them?" He asked watching Steve flush again as he shifted under his gaze.

"If Tony trusts her, then so do I." Iris said confidently. Bucky wiggled his eyebrows at Tony's name.

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