26: Loki pt1

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This is basically the fight from the Avengers film with a few twists as Loki isnt after the tesseract.

Iris was already in her suit, the portal was starting to form. Clint had got back less than an hour ago. Caden was too in a suit, Tony had made him one that would help absorb the rays along with Iris should he loose control. Tony was flying doing rounds of the sky. Steve was pushing the crowds back. Iris stood watching her husband in the sky, she spotted Clint getting into position on the roof.

Kay kiddies their coming through. Tony said. Iris leapt up taking Cadens hand, her and Steve met each others eyes as they ran past each other. People began screaming, Iris jumped to on a car roof. Their were some people that had been cut off by some of the Aliens.

"Caden, go round into the middle, I'll lift you. Theres about twenty. Take them out, call me if you need help." Iris said flinging the wind to drop him in the crowd. Iris jumped back down and turned to the oncoming wave. She let the flames leave her hand with ease watching with an almost sick fascination as they squirmed in pain before dying.

Mom their all dead, shall I come and help you?

Yeah baby, come here. Caden soon joined her at her side, the blast of the waves gave the same effect as a severe electric shock, they shook then dropped, often catching fire as another burning victim stumbled over them. Iris glanced up seeing Tony being chased by a huge creature like vessel? "You got it here?" Iris asked her son who nodded brightly.

A gust of wind took Iris up, her feet landed on the slippy metal. She pressed her hand into the crack, water started to get into the mechanisms, vines wrapping their way around the wings. Tony steer it to the water. Tony did as she asked, as soon as it was over the water, Iris ignited the whole ship jumping from it as it exploded. She landed in the water with a splash. Gasping as her body adapted to breathing in the water.

She swam to the top. You okay love? Tony asked helping her to the land, with his suit.

Fine. And she was off again, rejoining Caden as the aliens became a constant stream. Thor landed in front of her.

"Miss Holloway, my brother seems to have revealed his target." Iris frowned. "He wants you." No sooner had the words left his mouth Loki handed in front of them.

"Caden find your dad, now!" She screamed at him he ran towards the direction of Nat, Bucky and Steve. Thor swung the hammer but Loki intercepted. Iris backed away not sure how to fight a God that could control you with a touch of a scepter. A loud crash sounded Thor going through the window of a nearby shop.

Iris flung flames at Loki, but he deflected them with ease. She was pressed against a brick wall, he pinned her arms above her head, the metal spike of the scepter against her throat. He was too strong even for her. "What do you want from me?" She snapped angrily.

"And why would I tell you that, and ruin the fun." Loki drawled. He could hear the other Avengers coming closer. "Now I'm going to give you a choice, you come with me, or I go after your son." Iris's eyes flashed with fear. "And you know I'll take him and I swear I will make his death the most slow and painful experience known to your kind."

Steve and Tony reached them at the same time. "Step away from my wife." Tony said his hand raised, the light charging. Loki stayed calm, unmoving. Iris slowly stepped in front of him. Tony flung the blast upwards to avoid her. "Iris! What are you doing?" She gulped, as she felt Loki press handcuffs onto her hands.

"I'm protecting my children. I know you'll figure this out Tony, I know you'll find me and save me. But for now I have do this, I lo--" a mouth clamp cut of her words.

"Oh how very touching, nothing quite compares to a mothers love now does it." Loki said his mouth inches away from her neck. No one moved because the spike was still dangerously close to Iris's throat. "Unfortunatly your wrong about their ability to save you." He whistled a long loud note. Iris held Tony's gaze as the vessel came to a halt by the side.

She turned to Caden who was clinging to his dads arm, pure fear making his eyes flash. Iris shook her head, she blew him a kiss, before a sharp pain obscured her vision and she fell into a deep sleep.

They team watched helplessly as she was taken away, back through the Portal to God knows where. "We should have done something." Tony screamed at no one in particular.

"And risk having her killed?" Steve responded. "It wasnt worth the chance, we'll get her back without losing her." Bucky tightened his grip on Caden's shoulder.

"Deep breaths kid." He muttered, Caden turned round hugging Bucky tightly round the middle. "I know, I know she's tough though your mom. She'll be okay. I promise we wont stop until shes back safe." Caden let out a slight sob, but Bucky's strong frame gave him a tiny sense of comfort and security. Bucky had never lied to him, and he refused to believe this would be the first.


The dark room was small, Iris groaned in pain as she came round. Her eyes blinked in the dim light. Her hands were still restrained behind her, her head bleeding her suit ripped. The door opened with a scrape of metal on metal. She winced even more, but said nothing. A man looking creature pulled her to her feet. He was blue. Iris didnt even want to ask.

He pushed her to her knees in front of a good throne. "Look up sweetheart." Loki's distinctive voice rang out. When she didnt her hair was pulled back making her meet his eyes. "Ah, your going to be most useful, I must say your very admirable. Giving up yourself like that for you son." Iris stayed quiet. "See my parents, mostly my father didnt quite have those instincts. It's a little bit of a foreign topic for me."

Iris felt her breathing get heavier. He crouched down in front of her. "What do you want me to do?" She asked bluntly. Loki laughed.

"Straight to the point, I like it. I want you to sneak onto my chosen planet and kill as many people as you can." He said taking a map, he signaled for the man to pull her to her feet leading her to the table. "This one." He said slamming a knife into it. He looked slightly disappointed when she didnt flinch.

"What if I dont? My children are safe now, what else could you threaten me with?" She said cocking her head to one side mockingly. He grapped her chin.

"More pain than you could imagine." She scoffed.

"Your naive." She spat. "Your hundreds of years old yet you act like a child." He frowned. "There is no pain you could inflict on me I havent already suffered for seventy odd years." Loki went to open his mouth, Iris just laughed. "So try your best... child." She spat the last word, he slapped her but she only laughed harder.

"Take her to her cell, I'll be along shortly." Iris laughed hysterically as the man dragged her away, she stopped as soon as the door swung shut. Her purpose had worked, she'd scared him.

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