14: Shockwave

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Iris crawled to Steve, Bucky had run off, and she couldnt follow him. She pulled herself to him, he was alive at least. He stirred when she touched his face. His eyes fluttered. "Come on Stevie, dont leave me now." She sobbed. "He didnt mean it." She cried resting her head on his chest.

"He did." He croaked. "And he was right. I only mess up your family." Iris didn't answer she just cried. He rested his hand on her hair. "I did love you Iris." He mumbled.

"I know." She replied. "God Steve I know. Stay with me." she said.

"Why?" He asked with a wheezy breath.

"Because I need you Steve. Your one of my best friends. I dont trust many people but your one of them." She have a sharp cry. The pain was so much. "You may have changed my life but I've got Tony, Jamie got her dad." She whimpered. Steve winced.

"It hurts doesn't it." He said with a pain filled laugh. She nodded. They ceased talking, lying there the pain the only thing that filled their minds.

Bucky followed the screaming. Caden was now stood facing the Hulk. The hulk roared, and Caden screamed back. The hulk flew, out the glass window onto the streets below. "Caden..." Bucky said quietly. His turned his gaze to him. "What are you doing?" Caden laughed, his voice sounding automated.

"Making me happy again." He replied.

"Do you love your mom?" Bucky asked. Caden frowned.

"Of course." Bucky stepped forward.

"Do you think that she would want you to hurt all these people that she cares about." Caden faltered. "Trust me, I know your mom. I've known her my entire life. She loves you so much, she gave up everything for you. But now for the first in forever since Steve she's in love." Caden paused, his hand dropped. "If you truly loved her you'd stop, you'd think about what your doing. You'd be the little boy she loves with all her heart." Caden gulped his eyes flickered back to normal.

"Buck, what do I do now?" He asked shaking as he looked at the dead bodies scattered around the room. "I've killed...moms hurt...dad." Bucky watched sadly as he slipped to the floor. He slowly crouched beside the boy.

"I know what it feels like to have someone take over you mind. What you just did wasnt you, it was the thing Hydra created. These men, their to blame. As for your mom and dad, they'll be okay. They love you, they'll be fine. Jamie's safe, Tony's got her safe and sound." Caden nodded leaning on Bucky's shoulder. "Come on kid, let's go see your parents." He helped him to his feet.

Iris coughed again, more blood coming up with the flem. Steve was paling. Iris begged for Bucky to come back. Steve needed help, she'd tried to stand but she just fell again. The door opened, and broke. Bucky walked in with Caden, his arm around the boys shoulders. "You did it." Iris croaked. Caden gulped looking at the mess of his parents. Because of him. Iris, fueled by seeing her son, managed to stand.

She staggered towards him, hugging him tight against her weak form. "I'm so sorry mom." He sobbed. She stroaked his head, tears falling from her tierd eyes.

"What for? Hydra should be sorry. And they bloody will be when on finished with them." She said, she sat on the bed, she was shaking, but opened her arms for Caden all the same. She sat down with her, and she ran her hands through his hair. Bucky lifter Steve moving him to the bed. "Where's everyone else?" Iris asked, kissing Caden's head. Bucky shrugged.

"Hulk went through the window, still I'm form though, so Banners probably okay. Havent seen the other two." He responded, Caden sniffed.

"Clint went under the fallen roof in the kitchen when it all started, Nat was trying to help him." Bucky nodded.

"I'll go look. Try and make contact with Tony." He said kissing her head softly, then Caden's before leaving. Caden was still crying.

"All that stuff I said to dad..." Caden started as he passed his mom her com. Iris smiled sadly.

"Honey, listen to me. Non of this is your fault. You've been through so much, Hydra they did this. They messed us all up, your dad understands that." Caden nodded looking closer, he could see that she wanted to lie still like Steve, but she didnt. Because he knew she didnt want him to think he could ever hurt her. It made him love her more if that was possible.

"Tony?" Iris mumbled.

"Babe? God what's happening? It's all over the news. Bruce was thrown from a window." Iris winced as Caden sat down head in his hands next to Steve.

"Yeah, Hydra took control of Caden." Caden looked up at her shaking his head. She ignored him. "Bucky and Steve don't know, but the agents while I was getting to Caden, they said something. About a device, I destroyed it but, the damage is extensive. Bruce should be fine the Hulk took the full force. Steve's not good, suffered a full shockwave to the chest. I've been better, Clints under the kitchen roof, Bucky and Nat trying to help. Is Jamie okay?"

Tony gulped. "Shes fine. Crap Iris, I.."

"Did she feel anything?" Iris said coughing again.

"No, I left New York and shes fine. But I'm gonna need to come back..." he said quietly.

"I know I know. What happens if I'm still in pain?" Tony didnt say anything for a while.

"She'll feel everything you feel." Tony munbled.

"You need to keep her away for a little longer. Until it we can fix this mess."

"I'm not leaving you!" Iris swore, rubbing her head. "I could take her to Clints family. Laura she had two and half kids, she's great with them." Iris gave a shaky sigh. A while ago she'd never let them out of her sight and now she was handing her daughter to a women she'd never met.

"Okay." She answered stiffly. "See you soon." She threw it across the room.

"Mom! Why did you say that stuff about the device!" Caden asked. "I should be punished."

"No!" Iris snapped. "It wasnt you, but I know what Shield will do if they find out your in control. I'm still going to try and pretend it's me, but if they see through it, we need to make it seem like it cant happen again." She said firmly.

"Your moms right." Steve whispered from where he was lying still. "You've got to be safe." Iris smiled weakly. Bucky reappeared.

"Clints okay, Nat had already got him, he's resting, Nat's calmed the hulk down. Is tony bringing Jamie--"

"No, he's dropping her at Clints wife's house. She cant feel this yet. But Tony needs to be here." Bucky nodded, for the first time they all looked ninety odd.

"I should get steve to the medical wing too. Bruce is treated Clint." Iris nodded. "You should too."

"I'll be there in a minute." Bucky shifted Steve's weight and started towards the medical bay. "Baby come here." Iris said trying to stop the black from clouding her vision. "Please dont let this make you feel like...like shit okay?" Caden let out a whimper. "Because I, your dad, Bucky, Jamie we will never fear you. And we will always love you. This," she gestured around her. "We'll control it, I love you baby." She kissed his head.

"Love you too mom." He said quietly. She nodded. She staggered up and towards the door. "Would you really leave Tony for me?" Iris paused, she turned around meeting his eyes.

"Without hesitation." She said with a soft smile. She turned and walked away. Tears leaked down her face, because she couldnt stay here. Her son was too dangerous. They'd hurt him, either side. Which means she did have to leave Tony, and the thought of that made her collapse onto the floor. Nat crouched down and helped her up.

"Come on." She said sadly, as she helped her walk.

"I have to leave." Iris sobbed. Nat let out a small sigh.

"I know." She squeezed her hand and they said no more.

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