22: Now or never

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One year later:

Iris sat on the porch steps, with no more threats since the battle with Hydra her and Tony had moved to a farm house near where Bucky and Steve lived. The trail that connected the two houses was well used by the three kids that ran between them.

Today, Steve and Bucky were taking all three of them into New York becasue they wanted to see the Captain America museum. Iris and Tony had spent the morning in the bedroom, that man never failed to live up to his Stark name. He was in the shower so Iris was enjoying the peace.

A car engine came into ear shot. She stood up walking down the drive, dead leaves crunching under her bare feet. A truck came to a halt, Iris smiled seeing Nat climb down from the passenger seat getting a small child from the back placing her on her hip. Bruce got out the other side. They were both grinning wildly. Nat was a natural mother, Bruce had suited the role surprisingly well.

"See told you it would be fine." Nat muttered to her boyfriend as they approached Iris.

"I cant say I'm not surprised, that the first day you have alone and you and Tony havent spent it all having sex." Iris laughed.

"We just finished, he's in the shower." She took the little girl from Nat's arms. "Hey there baby." She cooed kissing her head. "Its great to see you both. You came from Clints?" Nat nodded.

"Cooper had a birthday party." Iris grinned.

"I know I sent the present and card last week." They walked up the stairs back into the house. "Tony? Put some clothes on." Iris called into the depths of the house.

"Why?" He called his voice coming closer.

"Nat and Bruce are here." He stopped just in Iris's sight. He spun round and walked away.

"Does he do that a lot?" Bruce asked with a smirk. Iris grinned.

"More than you'd think. Coffee anyone?"


Kira sat Iris's lap as they played with Morgan's toys on the floor. Tony sat behind them pulling faces everytime the young girl looked. Bruce had told them all about the award he was up for, and Nat about the suspicions Nick Fury had about how quiet everything had been. "I'm sure he's just paranoid." Iris said seeing the distress in everyone's faces.

No sooner had the words left her mouth the door flung open and Bucky appeared. He was holding Jamie, Caden at his side holding Morgan. Steve pushed past them running to the centre of the others. "Aliens." He breathed.

"Aliens?" Tony repeated as Iris handed Kira back to Bruce taking Morgan. "As in?" He pointed upwards. From behind Bucky Thor came in.

"Yes aliens. Life forms from even beyond Asgard. They are on their way to earth."

"No chance their stopping for a quick donut before returning?" Tony said rubbing his head. Nobody answered him.

"How long?" Iris said eventually.

"About a month." Steve answered. Iris pulled Morgan closer to her.

"Well there's only one thing to do then isnt there." Tony said paling a little. "We've got to get married." Everyone went silent. Iris just stared at him.

"Are you mad?" She muttered. "Ailens Tony, coming to...you know." She said glancing at Jamie who was snuggled close into Bucky. "And you want to get married?" Tony sighed.

"We barely survived the last war, I dont want to die unless your my wife."

"I dont want you to die regardless." Iris snapped. Steve put his hand on her shoulder squeezing it gently. Bucky walked closer, he smiled softly.

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