20: Hail Hydra Pt2

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Jamie was sobbing, her body spasming in pain. Laura dapped at her forehead with a wet cloth. Caden was rocking Morgan, but the panic was clear on his face. "Their losing." He admitted. He gave the baby to Laura's eldest, and ran towards the door.

"CADEN! Come back!" Laura screamed but he didnt listen.


Iris managed to pull herself into a bush, the thorns dug into her skin, but she didnt care. She hadnt seen Tony since his suit went down. The hulk was tied up, Thor and Steve still going. Bucky had knocked himself out when they tried to trigger him. Clints bow had been found no trace of him. God she was in so much pain. She was bleeding from everywhere, her arm was broken, lying useless at her side. Her ankle was twisted out of place sticking horribly to the left.

Her shoulder on her other arm was popped out of the socket. Blood trickled down from the head wound that was making the trees above her swim. Her suit was torn to the point where it covered nothing. She hadnt expected to lose so badly. There were just too many. She had been shot twice too, although she couldnt find the exit holes. This is how she was going to die, she thought.

Even if by some chance they didnt find her, there was no way she would be able to get back to the jet let alone the tower. She gave a feeble weep, thinking of her children, left alone after she promised they never would be. He wanted to tell Steve to run, go home. But she knew he wouldn't.

She wished she could see Caden again, the boy trusted no one bar her. She feared after her death he would lose control, kill more people than the Avengers had saved. A loud scream pierced her ears, she went to cover them but found she couldnt move her arms. The black spots got too much, and thinking of those she was leaving behind, closed her eyes.

Steve glanced up at the hill where the jet was. The lights were flashing, he frowned, before the roof flap opened and there stood Caden. His jacket blowing in the breeze, he opened his hands, his eyes going black. He screamed, Steve covered his eyes but the waves didnt touch him. Slowly one by one the Hydra agents dropped. He saw Caden collapse.

He wanted to run to him but there were a few left. Him and Thor leapt to it. Finishing off the rest. "Well my friend, i believe your son saved our arses." Thor said looking at the bloody battle field. Steve nodded. "Can you go and see if you can find Nat and Clint. I'll look for Iris and Tony." The Hulk had been shocked back to Banner. He staggered up. "Bruce get Caden in the jet." They dispersed.

Steve tapped the com. "Iris? Tony? Are you there?" No reply. There was a faint buzzing, he could hear his own voice. He followed the sound until he found half of Tony's suit. Steve walked a little more and there was Tony. His legs exposed and most likely broken. He was awake, and alive but the suit wouldnt open or function.

"Help." He croaked. Steve cracked open the suit and helped him to his feet, supporting his full weight. "What happened?" He asked his voice coated on pain.

"Caden came." Steve said woriedly checking his com again for any sign if Iris. He helped Tony to the jet. Clint was bleeding badly from a huge wound to the stomach. Nat despite having been shot in the shoulder looked okay. Thor took Tony from Steve.

"Where's Iris?" Tony asked. Steve turned on heel and ran back out. Bucky was missing too. Thor followed.

"I'll look for Mr Barnes." He said before flying up. Steve nodded, he knew Bucky would be okay. He was too useful to Hydra for them to kill. Iris however.

"Come on Iris answer me." He muttered. He paused, there was more wind here, which made no sense because if he stepped back it was normal. He followed the gust to a bush, a trial of blood leading to it. He peered down and swore. Iris's eyes fluttered open again.

"St...steve?" She breathed, she slipped unconscious again for the sixth time. He lifted her up running back to the jet. Bruce sucked his teeth as he rushed to help her. Tony nearly cried. Thor came back with Bucky. Steve hugged him kissing him passionately.

"Are you okay?" Steve asked woriedly. Bucky nodded.

"Missed most of it. They tried to trigger me so I knocked myself out." Steve nodded. He looked tired. Bucky swore running to Iris. She opened her eyes again, just as Bruce popped her shoulder back in. She screamed.

"Sorry, sorry." He muttered. She gripped Bucky's hand as he pulled the bullets out and bandaged them and her head. He twisted her foot back round earning another scream, before putting that and her arm in a cast. She took some pain killers and looked slightly better. Steve helped Tony to her before leaving to fly the jet.

It was only then did Iris notice her son. "What's he doing here?" She snapped.

"He saved us. Passed out though." Steve called back. Iris to tired to think, curled up against Tony and fell asleep, he followed not long after. Clint looked pale, Nat sat with him as Bruce treated her shoulder. The jet was silent, no body spoke shocked by the events of the fight.


Iris woke with a groan, her head felt ready to explode. She opened her eyes, she was in hers and Tony's room. He was asleep next to her. Morgan was in the cot on her other side. And curled up, his arm around her waist was Caden. She shifted, trying not to wake him but to no avail.

"Mom?" He mumbled. She pressed her finger against her lips looking at Tony. She stood up swaying a little. "Bruce said you should rest." He whispered following her. She rolled her eyes and took his hand leaving the room. They went to the living room and say down.

"Are you alright?" She asked stroaking his face, kissing his nose.

"Mom, I'm fine. I was a little tired but I slept all day and then havent done much this week." Iris frowned.

"Week? How long was i out." Caden sighed, taking her hand.

"A week, you kept waking up but not making much sense. Tony helped you feed Morgan, he's broke both his legs so cant walk." Iris gulped. She lay back on the cushions. Apart from the headache she felt okay. Her arm was functional even if it ached.

"What about Clint, he looked rough?" Caden nodded.

"He's on leave, hes okay. He went home." Iris nodded. "Nats fine, same as dad and Bucky." Iris let out a breath of relief. "You scared me mom." Caden muttered. Iris hugged him tightly.

"You too sweetheart." She said into his hair. "Dont do that again. I'd rather die than lose you." He smiled weakly, God he was lucky. "Is Jamie with Buck?" Caden nodded. They ceased to talk, just enjoying each other embrace.

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