27: Loki pt2

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Thor had agreed to help them get to space, taking them through the Asgardian portal. He had a faint idea of where Iris was being kept, and they were trying there first.

Tony hadnt slept for the week Iris had been gone. Steve had caught him once passed out in the lab. But apart from that hardly at all to anyones knowledge. Bucky had spent all his time with Caden, and while it hurt Steve that Caden had latched to Bucky so much, he'd rather that than another loss of control.

After a long arguement, Caden had agreed to go to Laura's. Today was the first day the house was empty of soft sobs or an occasional scream. Nat was perhaps the calmest of the group, her face barely changed expression. She was the comfort for everyone else, they fed from her calmness. She was either very confident they were going to get her back, or years of hiding pain was doing her well.

Bucky found Steve alone with Thor's maps, trying hard to piece together a plan in place he'd never seen. "Stevie?" Bucky said almost guilty. He could see the bruise on Steve's neck from here, even though Steve had worn this high neck shirt specifically to hide it. "I'm sorry about last night, I just I'm scared of losing her." Steve hadnt looked up from the paper.

"Its fine Bucky, I understand." Steve mumbled, Bucky knew he meant it, but his response was so cardboard. Sensing Bucky's discomfort Steve looked up. "Hey Buck, come on I know you loose control of your arm when your upset and this is a good a reason as any. I know she calms you down, and that's fine. She's good at that. I'm fine and you'll be fine when we figure out how to get her back."

Bruce slunk into the room, he rubbed his eyes. "Tony's getting worse, he just threw a hammer at me." He muttered leaning on the counter.

"Are you alright?" Steve asked woriedly. Bruce nodded.

"Fine, but he wont be for much longer. I say we go now, maybe going something will help him focus." Steve wanted to argue but he knew Bruce was right. He didnt want to leave Iris stranded with the God of mischief any longer than necessary.

"Suit up then team. Send Nat to get Tony, she can handle him." Steve said taking the map up in his hands. Bruce nodded with a deep sigh, Bucky's heart was racing but he followed Steve with a blank expression.


"Tony." Nat called as she flicked on the lights. He was a mess, he sat on the stood messing with some wires, he had bag under his eyes and bottles of alcohol all around him. Caffeine injections too. "Tony!" Nat shouted louder. He looked up, frustration on his face. "Pull yourself together." She said pulling him to his feet. "She's been gone a week and your falling apart. Your stronger than this Tony. Your not helping her by become an alcoholic and not sleeping." She snapped.

Tony sighed. "I know, but shes in pain." Nat frowned. "That device I made, I was tracking it. But its blown up." Nat frowned, a gulp escaping her own mouth. "God knows what he'd have to do to her to get it explode like that." He his voice shook. Nat squeezed his shoulder. "I cant loose her Nat, she keeps me together." Nat took his hand pulling him towards the door.

"Captain says we're leaving." She couldn't comfort him becasue dispite her calm outward appearance she was scared that this might have been too much for even Iris to take.


Asgard was beautiful, Thor hadnt been kidding. Clint walked ahead of everyone, Nat ran to catch up with him. "Hey," He said softly. "You alright?" Nat shook her head bluntly. "What?" Clint asked her taking her hand in his.

"I think she's dead." Nat said quietly. "Tony told me about the pain device it blew up. It was in her neck Clint, and the pain she must have suffered to make It blow." Clint squeezed her hand but said nothing. They reached the palace.

"Then we need closure." Clint finally responded, Nat nodded before their conversation died as the others joined them. Hope slowly died in Clint with Nats words, she was right. How the hell could she have survived that. He looked at Tony who was very clearly a mess. And Bucky who was struggling, his arm twitching madly. Even Steve looked ready to collapse.

If she was dead, this could be the end of their functional team. And god knows what would happen to those kids, especially Morgan. Thor showed them to rooms, somehow Clint and Tony had ended up sharing. Tony would have normal made some joke but he didnt. He lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. Clint didnt offer any words of comfort doubting they would work of he did.


The fight so far had been tough, these outer galaxy creatures proved hard to kill on their own turf. Thor was tracking his brother. Steve and Bucky checking the left of the building. Nat and Bruce the right. Clint and Tony the middle. The palace was made entirely from gold. Very Loki. They came to a split in hallways.

"Left or right?" Clint asked but Tony had already gone. Clint grumbled something before going the other way, re-loading his bow as he did.

Loki dropped to his knees at her side. She barely moved, her face was swollen, the cell covered in her blood. A gaping hole in her neck where he'd ripped the device out. Her eyes fluttered to his face. "You will pay for what you've done." He hissed. A ghost of a smile passed her face.

"Do I scare you?" He frowned.

"What?" He snapped.

"Do I scare you?" He repeated blood trickling from her mouth. He continued to frown. "I do." She chuckled weakly. "You cant hurt me, you cant control me, you cant even scare me and I think, child, that this is your worst fear. Losing control." He kicked her once more before leaving the cell open. He left quickly, because she had shaken him.

Iris's eyes fluttered. She could hear distorted sounds of metal clanking. Screams. "Honey? Iris baby wake up." She wanted too, his voice made her want to jump straight up into his arms. But she was just so tierd. He was holding her hand, and it was all she could to squeeze it three times. "Just hurry Bucky, she's not doing too good." She heard him say before kissing her nose. "I love you too."

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